[OPLINLIST] followup on magazine covers

fbaer@twinsburglibrary.org fbaer at twinsburglibrary.org
Tue Aug 24 11:02:48 EDT 2010

Huge thanks to those who responded to yesterday's question about locking
magazine cases!

A couple people expressed interest in hearing what others do, so here's
some quick results from the 10 respondents, along with Twinsburg's system.

Currently, Twinsburg enters magazines into our ILS when they arrive.
They're barcoded at this point, since the ILS is used to track what's
arrived and what we're still waiting on. Then, the magazines go into clear
plastic binders that hold the issue in place with a thin rod. The case
includes a note that the issue is not to be checked out; when a new issue
arrives, the issue that was in the case is put in a shelf behind the new
issues and may be circulated.

We get multiple copies of some popular titles. Those additional copies may
be circulated immediately.

Three other libraries in the batch that responded use more or less that
same system.

Two of the responding libraries don't put a barcode on the latest issues
until the newer issue comes in. This means the item physically cannot be
checked out.

Three libraries circulate the new issues as well as the old, and reported
that that system works pretty well.

One of the libraries uses a removable sticker placed directly on new
issues that indicates it is not to be circulated.

Two libraries reported having some experience with locking cases similar
to the ones I linked to yesterday. Of those, one remains pretty happy with
them. The other found results lacking and has since moved to a different

It's too early yet to say what we'll go with. As I indicated yesterday,
our challenges involve both current issues being removed from their
binders and checked out, and also current issues simply being stolen.

One thing struck me as kind of humorous. Three of the respondents named US
Weekly as a frequent target of theft/improper checkouts; indeed, that was
one of the several titles that has been a recurring problem here as well.

So thanks again to all those who responded!

Fred Baerkircher
Twinsburg Public Library

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