[OPLINLIST] Teen Summer Reading Workshop

Sue McCleaf Nespeca nespecas at neo.rr.com
Wed Dec 8 09:47:25 EST 2010


There will be numerous locations around the state that will be announced in the future.
Please note: This is the only statewide Teen SR workshop that will be offered.

Ohio is famous for its summer reading program workshops offered around the state 
every year for children’s librarians. What about the teens in Ohio? It is 
important for them to be reading during the summer also, so what special 
programs can we offer them? The State Library of Ohio and all of its four 
regional systems (NEO; NORWELD; SERLS; SWON) will be offering a teen summer 
reading workshop at numerous locations around the state on February 25. Some 
sections may be live, others will be a videoconference. Our keynote speaker will 
be Kat Kan, nationally known author of two editions of Sizzling Summer Reading 
Programs for Young Adults published by YALSA (ALA). Whether you have done 
numerous SR programs for tweens and teens or are new to this type of 
programming, Kat’s program suggestions should be useful to you. To quote Kat 
“Libraries of all sizes and in all kinds of communities can provide meaningful 
and fun programs for teens, no matter the size or the budget.”  In addition to 
Kat, we will have some local Ohio librarians share thoughts on using the state 
theme, and we will have a small “Performer’s Showcase” highlighting some 
professional performers who do programs for teens in our state and that do not 
charge more than $300. If you serve teens in your library, this workshop is not 
to be missed! 

Sue McCleaf Nespeca 

Early Literacy/Children's Literature Specialist 
Email: nespecas at neo.rr.com; sue at kidlitplus.com
Phone: 330.799.0310

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