[OPLINLIST] E-Rate FY2011 Windows announced

Missy Lodge MLODGE at library.ohio.gov
Fri Dec 10 12:38:42 EST 2010

Ohio E-Rate Community:


The following News Brief was released by USAC yesterday.  


The FY2011 Form 471 application filing window will open at noon EST on
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 and close at 11:59 pm EDT on Thursday, March
24, 2011.


USAC has indicated that the 471 will be available when the window opens
and in the meantime they're advising folks to look at the paper copies
for both the 470, 471 and corresponding instructions that are posted to
the SLD web site now in the What's New section, http://www.usac.org/sl/
.  They also indicate that the new Form 470 will likely be available
around the same time-maybe a day or two earlier.  So, for most folks
that will mean going ahead to use the existing Form 470 since they won't
want to wait until January 11 to use the new form.



Missy Lodge  

Associate State Librarian for Library Development


800.686.1532 (Ohio only)

614.466.3584 (fax)


The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.


From: SL News Brief [mailto:SLNewsBrief at lists.universalservice.org] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 4:42 PM
To: Missy Lodge
Subject: USAC's Schools and Libraries News Brief for this week


header <http://www.usac.org> 

FY2011 Window Dates Announced

December 9, 2010


Opening and Closing Dates for FY2011 Form 471 Application Filing Window

The FY2011 Form 471 application filing window will open at noon EST on
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 and close at 11:59 pm EDT on Thursday, March
24, 2011. The window will be open for 73 days.

Applicants will be filing a revised version of the Form 471 for the
FY2011 window. You should review the revised Form 471
A4.pdf>  and revised Form 471 Instructions
A5.pdf>  before you file. The USAC website will feature the revised
version of the form - both online and on paper - when the window opens.

Note that the Form 471 Item 21 attachment is a window filing requirement
- that is, Item 21 attachments must be submitted by the close of the
filing window.

A revised version of the Form 470 will also be available at about the
same time. Applicants can file now using the current (October 2004)
version of the form or wait until the new form is available. Note that
you cannot use the current version of the form after the revised form
goes live on the USAC website.

For applicants that have filed or intend to file a Form 470 using the
current version of the form:

*	If you filed your Form 470 more than two weeks ago and it is not
yet posted to the USAC website, you can check the status of your form by
calling the Client Service Bureau at 1-888-203-8100. We may be trying to
reach you to get corrections or additional information so that we can
complete data entry of your form.

*	If you file on paper, send your form in time for USAC to receive
it by January 4, 2011. This will give us time to contact you if we need
more information before we can post your form.

*	If you have started a Form 470 online, complete your form and
push the submit button before January 11, 2011. You will have to start
all over again if you do not.

*	If you have completed a Form 470 online, certify it as soon as
possible but no later than January 11, 2011. The certification process
will not be available online for these forms after that date.

You can also refer to the revised Form 470
A2.pdf>  and the revised Form 470 Instructions
A3.pdf>  for more information. 



You may download and print copies of Schools and Libraries News Briefs
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visit the Schools and Libraries area
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website, submit a question
, or call us toll-free at 1-888-203-8100. Feel free to forward this news
brief to any interested parties.

Please do not reply to this email directly, as it was sent from an
unattended mailbox. 

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