[OPLINLIST] Employment Opportunity

Harold Showalter showalha at oplin.org
Mon Dec 27 11:51:35 EST 2010

Assistant Director/District Youth Services Librarian


.       Energetic, dynamic person who can work with schools and community
groups to promote library services to youth, particularly young adults.

.       Outstanding leadership skills and the ability to work with a
dedicated staff that takes pride in providing excellent public service.

.       Qualifications include an MLS (or a master's degree in a related
field with coursework in library science)

.       Five years of professional experience that includes both
administrative duties and library services to youth

.       Proficiency in computers, automated systems, and other library

.       Full-time position that includes some evenings and weekends.

.       Salary based on training and experience.

.       Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.


Harold Showalter, Executive Director
Adams County Public Library
157 High Street
Peebles, Ohio  45660
937-587-2085 (voice)
937-587-5043 (fax)
showalha at oplin.org (email)
 <http://www.adamsco.lib.oh.us> http://www.adamsco.lib.oh.us (website)


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