[OPLINLIST] New Feature on KnowItNow24x7

Donald Boozer donald.boozer at cpl.org
Tue Feb 23 09:05:06 EST 2010

A number of libraries in Ohio have chosen to implement their own local live chat service independent of the statewide service. KnowItNow24x7 (KIN24x7) is now providing patrons (based on their ZIP Code) the choice of continuing with their KIN24x7 session or connecting to their local library's stand-alone service from 10am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Outside of those times, KIN24x7 routes patrons to librarians staffing the statewide service. This new feature will empower both patrons (to choose the service they wish to use) and local libraries (to serve their patrons more efficiently).

For those libraries who have chosen to put their own local chat service into operation, we would like to emphasize the benefits of using KIN24x7's local queue option instead of another platform:

- There is no charge for being a part of KIN24x7.
- Customers still access your local librarians from your library's web page.
- During regular hours, overflow can be redirected to the wider KIN24x7 network. Patrons also have access to the standard leave-a-message form built into the software that will generate an email to which KIN24x7 librarians will respond.
- If a subject expert would be better able to help the patron, local libraries can transfer to a subject queue (during daytime hours).
- After-hours, patrons are seamlessly routed to KIN24x7's live coverage.
- In addition to web chats, the KIN24x7 software also allows monitoring of AOL, Yahoo!, and MSN instant messaging - all from the same application.
- By staffing a local queue, you have all the advantages of being a part of Ohio's statewide virtual reference service including statistics, transcripts of chats, full access to the KIN24x7 Provider site, and Ohio-based support.

For more information, email support at knowitnow.org.

Donald Boozer
KnowItNow24x7 Coordinator
Cleveland Public Library, Automation Department
325 Superior Avenue East, Cleveland, OH 44114

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