[OPLINLIST] Offensive Odor
fbaer at twinsburglibrary.org
Wed Jan 13 15:13:53 EST 2010
One thing to be wary of if you're considering taking a hard tack with a
patron: sometimes body odors are caused by medical conditions. Hormonal
imbalances, liver and kidney diseases, and some skin conditions, as well
as several other illnesses, can all cause offensive odors. Some people may
just be grooming-averse, but you can't always assume that's the case.
-- Fred Baerkircher
> In this day and age, it's hard to believe that some people have not
> learned what is accepted as correct hygiene. We have to remember that we
> are now amongst people who have immigrated from other cultures where
> hygiene is different that what we are used to. Also, even among native
> born people, there are varieties of what is accepted as normal. I saw the
> beginning of the movie Hamburger Hill over the weekend, which is about the
> Viet Nam war, and there was a scene where an army person was "teaching"
> his soldiers how to brush their teeth. Apparently, at that time, there
> were recruits who had never used toothbrushes!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Toni Lloyd" <lloydto at oplin.org>
> To: "Mark Mabelitini" <mabelima at oplin.org>, "Susan Pieper"
> <susanhillpieper at gmail.com>
> Cc: oplinlist at oplin.org
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 10:00:05 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Offensive Odor
> Hi,
> We had the same odor problem. One of the staff knew the patron and
> actually
> told him that the staff would appreciate it if he would take a shower
> before
> he returned. His reply was " A Shower?" If speaking directly to patron
> doesn't work a note defiantly wont.
> Toni
> -----Original Message-----
> From: oplinlist-bounces at oplin.org [mailto:oplinlist-bounces at oplin.org]On
> Behalf Of Mark Mabelitini
> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:44 PM
> To: Susan Pieper
> Cc: oplinlist at oplin.org
> Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Offensive Odor
> Hi,
> Yes this is a problem in all kinds of libraries and is not limited to
> those with offensive odor. There are other things that are potential
> problems as well and, since these situations are more often than not
> limited to 1 or 2 patrons, I do not think a hand-out is the answer.
> We as Directors or Managers or someone in charge need to take the patron
> aside and talk to them. It is one of the joys of management but must be
> done.
> Mark
>> Hello All!
>> I know this has been discussed, but I'm opening up a fresh window -- so
>> to
>> speak -- on the situation of patrons who haven't bathed or washed
>> clothes,
>> etc. in a long while. I know that urban libraries are no stranger to
>> this
>> dilemma, but here in rural land, we "know" most our patrons and want to
>> avoid embarrassment for all involved.
>> Here is our latest issue:
>> A male patron comes in with his kids. His odor is so bad that many staff
>> simply cannot wait on him without gagging. Other patrons have
>> complained.
>> The elevator and library smells horrible for almost 30 minutes after he
>> leaves. This gentleman is the only one left of his brothers that isn't
>> in
>> prison for a felony. He doesn't stay long enough at a location to have
>> the
>> water turned on.
>> Do you think this would work:?
>> I want to have a generic "memo" on hand that states that although we
>> appreciate the patronage of all our patrons, we do have a policy in
>> place
>> to
>> ensure the quality of the library experience for all patrons. This
>> includes
>> offensive body odor due to lack of hygiene habits or facilities. There
>> would
>> be more, but basically the idea was to have the memo on hand to actually
>> "hand" to the patron, asking them to read it when they leave the
>> building
>> due to the sensitive and personal nature of the letter. The idea came up
>> to
>> "mail" the note, but if we hand it to them, we know they have received
>> it.
>> What do think? Looking to the masses for your wisdom.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Susan
>> *****************************
>> Library Blog:
>> http://dustingthelibraryshelves.blogspot.com
>> Romania Blog: http://susansromaniatrip.blogspot.com/
>> Susan Hill Pieper, Director/Editor
>> Paulding County Carnegie Library
>> Rural Library Services Newsletter
>> 205 S Main St, Paulding, Ohio 45879
>> 419-399-2032 voice 419-3999-2114 fax
>> www.pauldingcountylibrary.org
>> ALA Councilor-at-Large
>> PLA Executive Board
>> ARSL Ex-Officio Board Member
>> Follow me on Twitter: cowgirlie
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> Mark Mabelitini, Director
> Tipp City Public Library
> 11 E. Main St.
> Tipp City, Ohio 45371
> (937) 667-3826 (office)
> (937) 667-7968 (fax)
> www.tippcitylibrary.org
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> --
> Nancy Koebel
> Birchard Library of Sandusky County
> 423 Croghan St.
> Fremont, OH 43420
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