[OPLINLIST] Connect Ohio Presentation on ARRA Now Available

SWON Libraries info at swonlibraries.org
Fri Jan 15 17:10:49 EST 2010

This message is being sent on behalf of Connect Ohio regarding an ARRA
grant opportunity for Ohio public libraries

Greetings Ohio Public Librarians,

As you may be aware, the State Library of Ohio, the Ohio Public Library
Information Network and the Ohio Library Council have been working with
Connect Ohio to prepare a statewide application to obtain federal
stimulus funding that would benefit every Ohio public library.  Connect
Ohio is a public-private, not-for-profit partnership that works with
technology-minded businesses, government entities, universities,
libraries and other organizations to accelerate the use of technology in
the state to help close the digital divide.  There is no cost to your
library to participate in this process, other than a few minutes of your

We asked the Executive Director of Connect Ohio, Tom Fritz, to present
some background information and detail the data gathering and grant
process for all of you.  This presentation has been recorded.  You can
access the audio and the slides at this site:


Please take the time to listen to this 40 minute presentation as soon as
possible.  It should answer all the questions that you may have about it.

Please direct any questions about the grant or presentation to Tom Fritz
at Connect Ohio.  His contact information is available at the end of the
presentation.  SWON Libraries simply offered our equipment and services
to facilitate the delivery of the presentation to all public libraries
in Ohio.  If you have technical difficulties with the presentation, feel
free to drop us a line about that.


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