[OPLINLIST] Losinglibraries.org

Beverly Cain bcain at library.ohio.gov
Fri Jul 9 15:19:11 EDT 2010



Francine Fialkoff, Editor-in-Chief of Library Journal, has asked me to
help make Ohio libraries aware of the newly launched,
losinglibraries.org, a web site that tracks the various types of cuts,
including staff layoffs and furloughs, reductions in services, and
reductions in hours of operation, that are being instituted in public
libraries in the U.S.  Ohio's own Laura Solomon of OPLIN and Mandy Knapp
of Worthington Libraries, worked with Library Journal to bring this web
site to fruition.  Congratulations to them for putting together this
worthwhile project!


I encourage you to visit losinglibraries.org and to enter information
about cuts that have been made in your libraries.  Once the site is more
fully populated, Library Journal will send out press releases all over
the country.  At this point, the site is concentrating on public
libraries but there are plans to include school and academic libraries
in the future.  


Thank you,


Beverly Cain

State Librarian of Ohio

274 East First Avenue, Suite 100

Columbus, OH  43214

Tel: 614-644-6843

Fax: 614-466-3584


The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.


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