[OPLINLIST] Book Discussion Kits available for loan

Tess Graves graveste at oplin.org
Wed Jul 21 11:03:25 EDT 2010


Attn all book discussion leaders:


It may be time to start thinking about titles for your fall and winter book
discussion groups.  The Piqua Public Library has many titles in our book
discussion kits.  To see a list go to this webpage:


I would like to thank the Mary Lou Johnson Hardin County Library for their
generous donation of many of these titles.   They have made it possible to
expand our selection of books.  


The book kits just contain the books.  They can be checked out for 6 weeks
at a time and shipped thru US Cargo.  Please note that you can reserve your
books up to a year in advance.  I just need to know the day you need them
by.  (It's easiest if you give me a list of titles and a list of dates, and
I can match them up to when they are available. ) Please email your requests
to graveste at oplin.org .


The number following is the number of copies we have available.  


I am looking forward to helping you!


Tess Graves



Tess A Graves

Piqua Public Library

116 West High Street

Piqua, Ohio 45356

graveste at oplin.org



My blog:

 <http://whywatchtvwhenyoucanreadabook.blogspot.com/> Why watch TV...When
you can read a BOOK!


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