[OPLINLIST] FW: [alacro-l] Library Opportunity

Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela phs at akronlibrary.org
Thu May 13 14:13:22 EDT 2010

Announcement from the American Library Association....


Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA and

Assistant Director

Akron-Summit County Public Library

60 S. High Street

Akron, OH  44326


Phone 330.643.9102          Fax 330.643.9160


phs at akronlibrary.org         www.akronlibrary.org


Recognized as one of America's Best Libraries <<<<<


The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning
and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all
ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community


From: Emily Sheketoff [mailto:esheketoff at alawash.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:57 PM
To: alacro-l at ala.org
Subject: [alacro-l] Library Opportunity



The Department of Education has $10 million for planning grants for the
Promise Neighborhoods program as part of the Fund for the Improvement of
Education.  These planning grants for $400,000 to $500,000 each are for
the planning purpose of what will be a program to improve significantly
the education and development outcomes of children in distressed


This is a heads up for school, community college and public librarians
to REACH OUT NOW to eligible entities which could be non-profit
organizations or institutions of higher learning who might be applying
because they operate a school; partner with a school or Local Education
Agency; currently provide a solution to cradle-through-college-to-career
in a distressed neighborhood or represent a neighborhood being proposed
for service.


Best is being part of a group's application from the planning stage, but


U.S. Department of Education:

Promise Neighborhoods application:


Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply:  May 21, 2010

Deadline for Transmittal of Applications:  June 25, 2010



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