[OPLINLIST] PayPal Users

Alan Hall alanh at oplin.org
Fri Nov 12 13:46:36 EST 2010

No.  It grew over the first year, but the total payments to the library did
not increase.  Now in our 3rd year of accepting PayPal payments, we have
reached $ 8,000 per year by PayPal.  Our total income for all revenue has
increased to nearly $ 80,000 in "outside" income, but we accept PayPal for
donations, lost materials, copies, faxes, genealogy payments, so it is
difficult to tell if acceptance of plastic has "increased" any category.


We receive more comments from genealogists who contact us by e-mail for
documents (paper and electronic) and use PayPal to pay us before we send the
requested materials from our Local History/Genealogy Department.  They love
the ability to use plastic payments, especially out-of-town folks.


Alan Hall

Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County

Steubenville, OH


From: Harold Showalter [mailto:showalha at oplin.org] 
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: [OPLINLIST] PayPal Users


When you first started to offer PayPal services, did you see an increase in
revenue and/or patrons clearing up their accounts?


Thanks in advance,

Harold Showalter, Executive Director
Adams County Public Library
157 High Street
Peebles, Ohio  45660
937-587-2085 (voice)
937-587-5043 (fax)
showalha at oplin.org (email)
 <http://www.adamsco.lib.oh.us> http://www.adamsco.lib.oh.us (website)


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