[OPLINLIST] Prepare your Library, your staff and You!

Melissa R. Lattanzi melissa.lattanzi at neo-rls.org
Wed Oct 6 15:53:39 EDT 2010

We would like to think that it won't happen to us.  I am sure that
Columbine School, Virginia Tech and others didn't think it would happen
to them.


Prepare your Library, your Staff and You!


Violent Intruder Response

Program Description:
The world is quickly becoming a different place. And while the chances
of finding yourself or colleagues involved in an act of mass violence is
rare, it is real. The attacks on places like Columbine High School and
Virginia Tech University are reminders of how real these dangers are.
You should be prepared. If your survival strategy is to rely on the
police or military to arrive in time to save you, history has shown that
to be unrealistic. You are the real "First Responder". You are
responsible for the safety of you and yours. Easily said, but how does
that correlate to real action? We will teach you easy, but effective,
survival strategies for both armed and unarmed response to those meaning
you and your colleagues harm. 

An overview of a proactive philosophy gaining nationally acceptance
designed to increase safety of private and public institutions should
they become involved in the very rare event of a Violent Intruder
Attack. Philosophy follows the long-standing Crime Prevention Model of
General Deterrence, Specific Deterrence, and Hardening of the Target.
Response Options is a Critical Incident Response Training company based
in Texas. The philosophy and training programs of the organization are
based on over 60 years Police SWAT and Military experience of its
founders, as well as over 30 years classroom experience of some of our
associates. Survival of violent events on the streets and battlefields
has taught valuable lessons and skills needed to survive extreme
violence. We have taken these learned skills and adapted them for use by
building occupants in the event of a Violent Intruder. Lockdown
(Securing-in-Place), and other passive strategies do not provide enough
training or information to those in immediate lethal danger. Increasing
the skill level necessary to hurt potential victims is actually quite
easily effected through simple acts and mindset, but unfortunately, most
of our citizens are not aware of these simple, but effective,
strategies. We will show you. 

Offered in three locations:

Violent Intruder Response Strategies
<http://www.neo-rls.org/ce/eventdetail.cfm?ID=1001>  -  Hot Event  


Tuesday, 10/26/2010

Violent Intruder Response Strategies
<http://www.neo-rls.org/ce/eventdetail.cfm?ID=1002>  -  Hot Event  


Wednesday, 10/27/2010

Violent Intruder Response Strategies
<http://www.neo-rls.org/ce/eventdetail.cfm?ID=1003>  -  Hot Event  


Thursday, 10/28/2010



Melissa Lattanzi, Senior Continuing Education Specialist
lattanzm at neo-rls.org <mailto:lattanzm at neo-rls.org> 

Northeast Ohio Regional Library System

4445 Mahoning Ave. NW

Warren, OH 44483

330-847-7744 ext. 12

http://saveohiolibraries.com/ <http://saveohiolibraries.com/> 



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