[OPLINLIST] Patron Registration Forms - keep or throw away
Cinda Bretz Wallace
bretzci at oplin.org
Tue Oct 12 15:52:22 EDT 2010
Please, if you scan this type of information please share what software you
use. I know doctor's offices, etc. do this with insurance cards now, so
there should be something available to libraries.
Cinda Bretz Wallace, MLIS
With Branches In Willard, Greenwich, North Fairfield, and Wakeman
bretzci at oplin.org
"Support the Library" when shopping online by going to the stores at
www.huroncolib.org/CyberMall Thank You!
----- Original Message -----
From: <malonegl at oplin.org>
To: <oplinlist at oplin.org>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 10:37 AM
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Patron Registration Forms - keep or throw away
> Currently our library keeps patron registration cards. We are considering
> looking into scanning the cards and storing them in some type of file that
> can be searched.
> The reasons we have kept the cards in the past include having the
> signature of the patron, a reference person in case we cannot contact the
> patron, and the patron's social security card number. This information is
> not entered into the computer and the registration card is the only place
> we have it on file.
> We were wondering what other libraries in Ohio do with the patron
> registration cards.
> Do you keep the cards/forms? Why or why not?
> Do you scan your cards/forms? What program do you use?
> We would appreciate any assistance you can provide.
> Thank you in advance,
> Gloria Malone
> **************************************
> Gloria Malone, Reference
> Champaign County Library
> 1060 Scioto Street, Urbana, OH 43078
> 937-653-3811
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