[OPLINLIST] Ohio Youth Services Symposium 22

Sue McCleaf Nespeca nespecas at neo.rr.com
Tue Apr 12 14:31:48 EDT 2011

This is the 22nd year of the popular Youth Services Symposium, sponsored by NEO Regional Library System, but open to any youth librarians in the state of Ohio. We will be focusing on the youngest of our library patrons for this workshop - babies and toddlers, and the theme is:  "Just Beginning! Books, Programs & Music for Babies and Toddlers.” 

The date is Thursday, May 12 and the location is the Hilton Garden Inn, Twinsburg, OH. We are excited to have author Leslie Patricelli, who has both written & illustrated such classics as "Yummy Yucky"; "Potty"; "The Patterson Puppies"; "The 
Birthday Box" and "Higher Higher." Check out these and other books at her website: www.lesliepatricelli.com  In addition, we will have professional book author, Linda Ernst, who wrote such primers as: "Baby Rhyming Time"; "Lapsit Services for the Very Young"; and "Lapsit Services for the Very Young II."(Neal Schuman). Our music segment for babies and toddlers will be conducted by Cathy Huser, Director Kindermusik Cleveland.  We will also have an update on great baby and toddler books. 

Because the one-day event will not allow a lot of "share time," we will be holding a "Sharing Time - Programs, Rhymes, & Music for Babies & Toddlers"  where you can bring your best ideas, Show-and-Tell, or ask questions, the evening before from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the hotel. This sharing time is for any Friday registered attendees who want to come the evening before. To make it easier to attend, we have negotiated a special rate with the site, Hilton Garden Inn - Twinsburg, for the evening. To book a room and receive this special rate, you must call the hotel at (330) 405-4488 and ask for the "Northeast Ohio Regional Library System discounted rate." The $109. rate (single or double) is a savings of $50.00 per night off the lowest room rate for that evening. 

The cost for the workshop is only $50 for members of ANY REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM in Ohio, and $100 for nonmembers. Registration is open now: http://www.neo-rls.org/ce/cesignup.cfm

Sue McCleaf Nespeca, M.Ed & M.L.S. 
Early Literacy/Children's Literature Specialist 
Website: www.kidlitplus.com
Email: nespecas at neo.rr.com; sue at kidlitplus.com
Phone: 330.799.0310

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