[OPLINLIST] Story Hour Times

Chelsea Hess chess at ghpl.org
Thu Aug 4 11:16:59 EDT 2011

Hey Gloria,

At our library, we have a few different story times that we do every week during each session.  We take a couple weeks off between each session so there is typically a fall session that lasts from September to November or December, a winter session from January to March, a spring session from April to May, and a summer session from June to August during our Summer Reading Club.  We do a Baby Games, Tales for Toddlers, and Music and Movement story time during the school year, as well as a family story time during the week every week and a Saturday morning story time twice a month.  During the summer, we do Summer Stories on the Lawn, Baby Games, and a family, and preschool story time.  Music and Movement and our family story time is for ages 2-5.  Some story time leaders follow a theme and some do not but it is a different theme for each story time, rather than for each session.  Hope this helps!

Chelsea Weissman
Youth Librarian
Grandview Heights Public Library

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