Brian Eckel-Hare beckel-hare at libertycenterlibrary.org
Fri Feb 18 21:05:55 EST 2011

Agreed.  Frequently I walk by cars with multiple people signed on through phones or laptops. 
I can only imagine it is helping our standing in the community.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Chad Neeper" <cneeper at level9networks.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 18, 2011 6:41 pm
Subject: [OPLINLIST] WiFi 24/7
To: <oplinlist at lists.oplin.org>

All of the libraries I work with leave their WiFi on 24/7. In fact, I've 
been told several times from several different libraries that patrons 
have come in to specifically to thank them for having the WiFi available 
during off-hours. For their own reasons, some of the patrons are 
stopping at the library parking lot early before they go to work or late 
at night on the way home just to use the wireless. I'd suggest leaving 
it on; it's another way to reach out to your community, possibly even to 
those people that don't otherwise tend to come into the building. This 
could be especially true if you have an Acceptable Use page that is 
displayed and must be accepted before the wireless user can go off and 
browse the net. It reminds them that they are using a service provided 
for free by your library. Maybe they'll remember that next time they 
vote.   :-)

2 cents,

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

/Full LAN/WAN consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and schools/

On 2/18/2011 5:25 PM, Alison wrote:
> It took us awhile, but last year the UTPL libraries added WiFi to the 
> services we offer to the public.  We do unplug when we close, as some 
> of our parking lots may not be the best to be in late at night when 
> the library is not open.  Our signal isn’t strong enough to go beyond 
> the parking lots.  My question to the group—do you leave your WiFi on 
> all the time, or turn off when the library is not open?  Any issues 
> with either way?
> Thanks
> Alison
> Alison Gibson
> UnionTownshipPublic Library
> 27 Main Street
> Ripley, OH 45167
> 937-392-4871 voice
> 937-392-1631 fax
> gibsonal at oplin.org <mailto:gibsonal at oplin.org>
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