[OPLINLIST] From the Governor's proposal.

harbor@oplin.org harbor at oplin.org
Tue Mar 15 15:17:16 EDT 2011

Different major news sources have claimed on their website a 5% reduction
for the PLF.  Others sites have dispayed a reduction to the PLF at over
$150 million in the next two years.  Does anyone understand the suggested
proposal listed below?

The Executive Budget proposes a change in how funds are directed to the
Public Library Fund. By statute, the Public Library Fund (PLF) is
currently supposed to receive 2.22 percent of GRF tax revenues beginning
in fiscal year 2012. Temporary law has restricted the PLF to receiving
1.97 percent in fiscal years 2010 and 2011. The Executive Budget proposes
a change to the distribution of these funds whereby starting in August
2011, the PLF will receive 95.0 percent of the fiscal year 2011 deposits.
This proposal would result in an additional $68.5 million and $95.0
million deposited into the GRF in fiscal years 2012 and 2013,

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