[OPLINLIST] Projector Policy - Anyone loan them out?

Chapin Longden longdech at oplin.org
Thu Aug 16 11:51:53 EDT 2012

Our library recently purchased a shiny new HD projector, however we also have an older non-HD digital projector.  Based on a patron request on whether or not our library loans out anything like that - I think I have hit upon a use for the old projector that is just gathering dust.

Has anyone else tried this? Any applicable policies that differ from plain old book or movie loans, or even e-reader loans for that matter?  Do you require that collateral or a deposit be left? Do you loan it to everyone or only those you know won't pawn it? That last one was a joke, but you get my meaning.

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

Chapin Longden, Reference
Henderson Memorial Public Library
54 E Jefferson St
Jefferson OH  44047

(440) 576-3761 phone
(440) 576-8402 fax

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