[OPLINLIST] Copyright Infringement Revisited

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Mon Aug 20 10:51:15 EDT 2012

Hi, Susan -

OPLIN receives these notices because we are the "OrgName" for all the OPLIN IP addresses. (If you have branch libraries that do not use OPLIN IP addresses, you may get such notices directly, instead of through OPLIN.) OPLIN does not respond to copyright infringement notices, we simply forward them to the local library to handle according to local library policy. The sender of the notice therefore does not know which library was supposedly the location where the infringement occurred. If, on the other hand, we receive a complaint of illegal activity from a law enforcement official, we give that person the library's contact information after we first verify that they actually are a law enforcement official, and have alerted the library.

Stephen Hedges, Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Susan Pieper" <susanhillpieper at gmail.com>
> To: oplinlist at oplin.org
> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 10:28:39 AM
> Subject: [OPLINLIST] Copyright Infringement Revisited
> I have heard back from a few folks regarding the letter from Osama
> Hussain, Esq. representing Irdeto USA, Inc. One response told me
> that OPLIN told them to "ignore" these notices. However, we received
> the notice from OPLIN. So, if the OPLIN office wants us to ignore
> them, why send them to us in the first place??? Seems to me they
> would investigate as this takes a lot of staff time -- not to
> mention the seriousness of the accusation. I'd like to hear directly
> from the OPLIN office on this.
> *****************************
> Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.
> Director/Editor
> Paulding County Carnegie Library
> Rural Library Services Newsletter
> 205 S Main St, Paulding, Ohio 45879
> 419-399-2032 voice 419-399-2114 fax
> www.pauldingcountylibrary.org
> ******************************
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