Mandy Knapp aknapp at library.ohio.gov
Mon Aug 27 11:19:41 EDT 2012

This thread reminds me to share that if your library is a member of the
Ohio eBook Project, please have at least one staff member subscribe to
the Ohebooks listserv. You can  subscribe by sending an empty message to
'ohebooks-subscribe at winslo.state.oh.us
<mailto:ohebooks-subscribe at winslo.state.oh.us> ' Messages include
"Announcements including service updates (outages, improvements, etc.),
committee meetings, etc. Staff persons at member libraries are more than
welcome to post to the listserv for technical or support assistance,
assistance with MARC records and ILS systems, requesting or sharing
marketing and promotion information, and other items pertinent to the
digital services."


Thanks all,




Mandy Knapp

Library Consultant

274 E. 1st Avenue

Columbus, OH 43201

Tel: 614-466-1710

Toll Free: 800-686-1532 (Ohio only)

Fax: 614-466-3584

www.library.ohio.gov <http://www.library.ohio.gov/> 

Share Your Story at 
Tell us how a State Library service or resource helped you or your


From: oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org
[mailto:oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Dan Will
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 8:19 AM
To: 'Chad Neeper'; 'OPLINList'
Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] OPLIN listservs



      I've seen the traffic go down as well. I just chalked it up to
fewer full-time techies (like you and me)


Dan Will


Technology Supervisor

willda at oplin.org <mailto:willda at oplin.org> 


740.992.6140 (fax)


"When you are growing up there are two institutional places that affect
you most powerfully: 

the church that belongs to God and the public library that belongs to

The public library is the great equalizer." 

Keith Richards




From: oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org 
[mailto:oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Chad Neeper
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 5:54 PM
Subject: [OPLINLIST] OPLIN listservs


To all (but primarily directors!):

One of the libraries I work with was caught off guard with the recent
MORE/VDX upgrade. While the upgrade has been discussed on the MORELIST
listserv, the director and staff at the library weren't aware that
MORELIST exists. Separately, it was recently mentioned to me that
activity on the OPLINTECH list has been declining. (I checked the
archives:  In the last couple of years, the average number of monthly
posts does seem to be a little less than in previous years.)

I'm wondering if the cause for both might simply be that as
staff/directors leave and new staff/directors take their place, the
existence of some of these valuable OPLIN listserv resources might
simply be lost in transition.

I'm personally most interested in maintaining the quality resource that
is OPLINTECH, so I'd selfishly (and respectfully!) like to request that
you forward this message on to your IT staff in the event that they
aren't aware of the list. But some of the other lists might be of
interest/use to your various other staff. The link below takes you to a
page on OPLIN's website that describes how to join OPLIN's listserv



Ps. Hopefully, I'm not stepping on any toes by posting this. Not my
intent! I'm just another subscriber to some of the lists and have no
other official associations/responsibilities/interests/etc. other than
to my own clients.
Chad Neeper
Senior Systems Engineer

Level 9 Networks
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

Full LAN/WAN consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and schools

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