[OPLINLIST] FW: ALA to Host Copyright Webinar for Educators and School Librarians

Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela pstevenson at akronlibrary.org
Mon Nov 19 12:23:47 EST 2012

News from the American Library Association.
Please share with school librarians in your communities.
Thanks.  Pam

Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA and
Deputy Director
Akron-Summit County Public Library
60 S. High Street
Akron, OH   44326

(v) 330-643-9102
(f ) 330-643-9160

Visit us on the Web at http://www.akronlibrary.org<http://www.akronlibrary.org/>
or on our Mobile Site at http://m.akronlibrary.org<http://m.akronlibrary.org/>

The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life.

From: Emily Sheketoff [mailto:esheketoff at alawash.org]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 12:03 PM
To: alacro-l at ala.org
Subject: [alacro-l] ALA to Host Copyright Webinar for Educators and School Librarians

Educators and school librarians have specific questions about copyright law but often find themselves without guidance on the subject in school environments. To address their copyright concerns, the American Library Association (ALA) will host Complete Copyright for K-12 Librarians and Educators<https://events-na8.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/1087453682/en/events/event/shared/default_template/event_landing.html?sco-id=1100192104&_charset_=utf-8>, an interactive webinar created for educators and school librarians on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, from 4:00-5:00p.m. EST.

Bestselling copyright authority Carrie Russell will host the webinar and discuss common copyright concerns explored in her newly released book<http://www.alastore.ala.org/detail.aspx?ID=3104> of the same title. Additionally, the webinar will offer clear guidance on ways that educators can legally provide materials to students. Webinar participants will learn about the following:

*Copyright must-knows for librarians and educators
*Fair use
*Creation of the copyright law
*Use of copyright materials in school settings
*Copyrighted content in the social media age

Russell, who is the director of ALA's Program on Public Access to Information, will explore scenarios often encountered by educators in schools, such as using copyrighted material in lesson plans, classroom assignments, school plays, band and orchestra performances and bulletin board displays. Participants are encouraged to ask questions about copyright law and fair use during the webinar.

Please note that there are 50 spaces available for the webinar, and the registration deadline closes December 3, 2012. Registration for the free webinar is available now<https://events-na8.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/1087453682/en/events/event/shared/default_template/event_landing.html?sco-id=1100192104&_charset_=utf-8>.

Webinar participants will receive a 10 percent discount on their purchase of the book, Complete Copyright for K-12 Librarians and Educators<http://www.alastore.ala.org/detail.aspx?ID=3104>.
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