[OPLINLIST] 21st Century Community Learning Center grant education opportunity

Janet Ingraham Dwyer jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Tue Nov 27 16:42:34 EST 2012

Cross-posted to OPLINlist and Library Youth Services.  Please excuse


The 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) program is the
only federal funding source dedicated exclusively to afterschool
programs.  The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) administers 21st CCLC
funding and awards grants to school districts, Educational Service
Centers, charter schools, non-profit and for-profit organizations, city
and county entities, libraries, and institutions of higher education for
afterschool and summer programs.  ODE will be issuing a request for
applications (RFA) in January 2013. It is likely that something on the
order of 70 grants will be awarded this cycle.  Word has it that
counties that haven't had many 21st CCLC grants, as well as Priority and
Focus schools and their community partners, are especially encouraged to


To see a map of 21st CCLC grant recipients by county, click here:
http://goo.gl/tmDLx (opens PDF file)

To see the list of Priority and Focus schools, click here:
http://goo.gl/hMvQb (opens Excel spreadsheet)


The Ohio Afterschool Network <http://www.ohioafterschoolnetwork.org/>
(OAN) is hosting three trainings to help districts, schools, ESCs,
libraries, and community organizations to determine if they should apply
and, if so, information for developing a strong program plan and
proposal.  These are in-person trainings in Columbus.  


The first training will be held Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 10:00-3:00.
This session will provide background information on 21st CCLC funding
and how it is administered in Ohio, and cover data-driven decision
making, assessing organization and staff capacity, collaboration (a key
element of community learning centers), identifying resources, and
developing program objectives. Presenters include leaders of
highly-successful 21st CCLC programs, who will share their strategies on
developing a successful strategic plan that will support in development
of a successful application.  Registration deadline for the first
training is Friday, November 30 (my apologies for the short notice).


The second training will be held Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 10:00-3:00,
and will go into greater detail on 21st CCLC program elements (academic
improvement, youth development and family engagement).  The third
training will be held Tuesday, March 12, 10:00-3:00 and will introduce
applicants to the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) grant
application system and explore the resources required to successfully
sustain a 21st CCLC program. The CCIP is the Ohio Department of
Education's unified grants application and verification system. 


Go to http://www.ohioafterschoolnetwork.org/calendar.cfm to register.
Cost is $30 per session and $75 for all three; lunch is included.
Credit cards, purchase orders and checks will be accepted.  For more
information contact Liz Nusken, lnusken at occrra.org or 614-310-1388.



Some basic info on 21st CCLC:

*	Grants are typically made for $200,000

*	Grantees receive funding for 5 years with 100% of the award in
the first three years, 75% in year 4 and 50% in year five

*	Target population to be served are students who are economically
disadvantaged and are performing below proficient in mathematics or
reading on state assessments such as the Ohio Achievement Assessments.

*	Partnership between school districts and one or more community
partners is required

*	Program focus is academic enrichment and youth development
activities such as drug and violence prevention and intervention, art,
and music activities, character education, counseling, and recreation to
enhance the program's academic components. Additionally, programs will
focus on parent and family engagement outcomes.

*	There may be other services included in allowable activities
that have not yet been announced.


More information is available on ODE's website at


Information and registration for OAN's training is at





Janet Ingraham Dwyer 
Library Consultant 
State Library of Ohio 
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov <mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>  

http://library.ohio.gov <http://library.ohio.gov/> 


The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.


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