[OPLINLIST] Digital Literacy Training Initiatives

Ashlee Clark aclark at library.ohio.gov
Thu Oct 4 09:06:43 EDT 2012

The State Library of Ohio is investigating ways that we can help public
libraries with the digital literacy training that they provide to their
patrons.  Your survey results will also provide data for an IMLS
grant-funded project
national_broadband_adoption_efforts.aspx>  which is looking at how
public libraries provide training and assistance to patrons on
information technology and digital literacy topics. We need your help.


We are asking all public library locations to complete a brief survey to
tell us about their training and assistance activities. Your library's
participation in this survey would be greatly appreciated and would
provide valuable insights for future State Library of Ohio programs.


Go to: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3HMJX8D%20 to access the survey,
which should take under 20 minutes to complete. Please submit your
response by October 12, 2012.


Thank you for supporting this research. We look forward to sharing our
results with you later this year.  Any questions about this survey can
be directed to Katie Campbell (Kcampbell at library.ohio.gov) or Mandy
Knapp (aknapp at library.ohio.gov).  


Ashlee Clark

Executive Secretary to the State Librarian

State Library of Ohio

274 East 1st Avenue, Suite 100

Columbus, OH 43201

Tel: 614-644-6847

www.library.ohio.gov <http://www.library.ohio.gov> 

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