[OPLINLIST] locked cases

Andrew Davis davisan at grandvalley.lib.oh.us
Thu Apr 4 14:20:17 EDT 2013

Hi Robyn, 

In regards to locked cases (cd/dvd), my library is one that uses both types of locked cases and we use to have the issue of sending the items out without unlocking the cases. So for us, we resolved that issue by putting all of our barcodes on the insides of the cases. So when we check the item out we have to unlock the cases to get to the barcodes. Even though; the cases are unlocked when we send them in deliveries, we have noticed that in travel and handling of the material the cases do occasionally lock themselves. So we do occasionally put a piece of paper in the locking mechanism so they won't lock during transport. 

So in closing I hope none of the items you received were ours? But if they were, we will get them unlocked and sent back to you ASAP! 

Andrew C Davis, Director 
Grand Valley Public Library 
aka Orwell Library Association 
1 North School Street 
Orwell, Oh 44076 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Robyn C Ritz" <ritzro at oplin.org> 
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org 
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2013 1:38:33 PM 
Subject: [OPLINLIST] locked cases 

I know we’re all busy, but yesterday in cargo we received three locked cases (one cd and two dvd) from three different library systems. We have no way 

of unlocking the cases for our patrons and so their holds will be delayed as we 

send the items back to be unlocked. We tried using the magnet from our name tags and that didn’t work. 

Robyn C Ritz 


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