[OPLINLIST] For Teens, Tech Isn't #1

Dorothy Sinclair dorothy at swonlibraries.org
Thu Apr 25 16:34:19 EDT 2013

At yesterday 's Take 5 conference , we heard some great speakers from Ohio libraries and museums talk about their work with teens. 

One presenter described the YOUmedia Chicago project, one of the first libraries to install a teen Maker space. She described the computers and iPads and software and space, as well as the grants and stacks of cash it took to build. It sounded great, but pretty far out of reach. 

What caught my attention was what she said brought teens back again and again to the library. It wasn't the technology. It was the people. The library hired mentors who could teach technology but also take the time to get to know the teens. Those relationships turned teens into regular visitors. 

You may not have a MacArthur grant in the works, but if you have staff who are building relationships with teens, you're on the right path. Want to make those relationships better? Come to our Staff Training Symposium about Customer Service and go to the break-out session on teens. You can find more information here: http://tiny.cc/spring_staff 

Calendar, http://tiny.cc/SWON-Calendar 
Website, swonlibraries.org 
Facebook, SWON Libraries 
Twitter, SWONlibraries 

Calendar Snippet 
May 2013 


Regional Spring Luncheon: Innovation Cafe 
	Wingate, West Chester 

Not Your Typical Diversity Training: Moving Past Political Correctness to Culture 
	On line 

Friends of the Public Library Used Book Sale 
	5/2/13 - 5/4/13 
	PLCH, Blue Ash Branch 

ELS (SIG) Meeting 
	Operation Give Back, Blue Ash 

Creating a Concierge Service at Your Library (Session III - Retention Series 
	SWON Libraries Conference Room 

Yes, Thank You! I'd Love to Do More! 
	On line 

SOCHE Library Conference Transitions in Learning: Preparing Engaged Students for the E - Learning Environment 
	Wright State University Nutter Center 

Overcoming Your Fears of Being Successful PT 1 
	On line 

Contact Information 
SWON Libraries 
10250 Alliance Rd 
Suite 225 
Blue Ash, OH 45242 

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