[OPLINLIST] ZoneCD vs Untangle

Ed Liddle eliddle at marysvillelib.org
Wed Feb 13 10:17:14 EST 2013

We are using meraki APs as well. They are easy to set up, work well, have v-lan support and allow for multiple ssid's. You can also use them to create a mesh network.

PFSense also offers a captive portal. I have been using PFSense for a few years at home after trying out IPCop, monowall, and smoothwall. PFsense is the one I settled on using. I like the features it has and also the interface to manage it. Its been happily chugging away on an old PIII for many years. I haven't had the need to set up the captive portal it offers at home.

-Ed Liddle

Marysville Public Library
From: oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org [oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org] on behalf of Bob Neeper [neeperro at oplin.org]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:43 AM
To: OPLINTECH; Oplinlist at lists.Oplin.Org
Subject: [OPLINLIST] ZoneCD vs Untangle

Adam Murphy (IT Specialist, Rossford Public Library) mentioned he was using Untangle for wireless.
He provide more info to me and it sounded interesting so I tried it.
Thanks Adam for the heads up on this software.

http://www.untangle.com/    and the Lite version     http://www.untangle.com/store/lite-package.html.

ZoneCD is free, has a small footprint (runs from a CD), and just works. No reporting in this version.
Used it  trouble free for years.

Untangle has a Lite (free) version and a big $$$ version, much bigger footprint, does more with LOTS of reporting.
You can get a 77 page pdf file daily, weekly, monthly or browse to it online.

Simple to install and setup.  Ref: http://wiki.untangle.com/images/8/82/Untangle_Quickstart_Guide.pdf
Download an iso
Create a virtual PC with hard drive and 2NICS (or use real H/W)
Put the iso in the 'CD Tray' and boot.
Answer some questions and let it install to the HD.  Do some more setup and start the client.
There are a bunch of apps to select and download but just do the Lite one first.
You need to create an account to download.
Configure the apps as desired.
Set it up (in Config / Administration) to browse to the client on port 443, which is nice.

Captive Portal was most interesting  to replace ZoneCD.
Look here for options. http://wiki.untangle.com/index.php/Captive_Portal
I downloaded the custom_login.zip file modified it for our policy and logo and uploaded it.
Patrons must accept the policy to proceed just like ZoneCD

Only been running for 6 days but if it works well, may make another for the in-house patron PC's.
The logging should be good information.

Below is the browsed to report for last 6 days showing 54 logins.
Under applications are the included Lite versions.
Each one has setup and can be turned off by a click on the 'Power Button'

[cid:part1.06050605.00090905 at oplin.org]


R. W. (Bob) Neeper
Community Library<http://sunbury.cool-cat.org>
44 Burrer Dr.  Map<http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.243961,+-82.863007>
Sunbury, Oh 43074
Tel:  (740)-965-3901

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