[OPLINLIST] Form 471 Block 2 Error

Lodge, Missy MLODGE at library.ohio.gov
Wed Mar 6 15:57:40 EST 2013

Good Afternoon E-Rate Community,

I want to make you aware of an error you may experience on the FY2013 Form 471 application.  The online system is sporadically showing the old version of Block 2 where the you are asked for quantities "Before Order" and "After Order".  If you experience this, clear your cache, close the browser, and then reopen the application.  USAC is aware of the problem and is trying to correct it.

If you experience other errors or issues, please let me know.  USAC has asked that we pass the information on ASAP.


Lorrie Germann
State E-Rate Coordinator
eTech Ohio
35 E. Chestnut St., 8th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(F) 614.728.1899
lorrie.germann at etech.ohio.gov<mailto:lorrie.germann at etech.ohio.gov>

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