Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela pstevenson at akronlibrary.org
Fri May 10 14:46:49 EDT 2013

News from the American Library Association.

Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA and
Deputy Director
Akron-Summit County Public Library
60 S. High Street
Akron, OH   44326

(v) 330-643-9102
(f ) 330-643-9160

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The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life.

From: Don Wood [mailto:dwood at ala.org]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:10 PM

Good afternoon!

The Nominating Committee for the 2014 ALA Election is Soliciting Nominees

*        The Nominating Committee for the 2014 ALA Election is soliciting nominees to run on the 2014 spring ballot for the offices of ALA President-elect and Councilor-at-large.

*        The Nominating Committee will select two candidates to run for President-elect and no fewer than 51 candidates for the 34 at-large Council seats to be filled in the 2014 spring election.

*        The President-elect will serve a three-year term: as President-elect in 2014-2015, as President in 2015-2016, and as Immediate Past President in 2016-2017.

*        The Councilors-at-large will serve three-year terms, beginning at the close of the 2014 ALA Annual Conference and ending at the adjournment of the 2017 Annual Conference.

*        The ALA President and Councilors also serve in corresponding roles in the ALA-Allied Professional Association [ALA-APA].  Individuals considering ALA-APA office are encouraged to consult with their employer regarding any restrictions regarding lobbying activities or service on the governing body of a 501(c)6 organization.

Candidate Form and Submission Deadline

Members who wish to make nominations should submit the following information: nominee name; present position; institution; address; telephone; fax; and e-mail address.  Self-nominations are encouraged.  All potential nominees must complete the Potential Candidate Biographical Form<https://www.alavote.org/nomination/2014users.html>.

Nominations and forms must be received no later than August 16, 2013.

Where to Send Nominations

Nominations may be sent to any member of the 2014 ALA Nominating Committee.  Committee members are: Stephen Matthews, Librarian, Foxcroft School Currier Library, Middleburg, VA, (540) 687-4422, E-mail: smatthews at foxcroft.org<mailto:smatthews at foxcroft.org>; Nick Buron, Director, Community Library Services , Queens Library , Jamaica , NY, (718) 990-8545, E-mail NickBuron.ALA at gmail.com<mailto:NickBuron.ALA at gmail.com>; John DeSantis, Cataloging & Metadata Services Librarian, Dartmouth College,  Hanover , NH,  (603) 646-0413, E-mail john.desantis at dartmouth.edu<mailto:john.desantis at dartmouth.edu>; Nancy Everhart, Associate Professor, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, (850) 644-8122, E-mail: everhart at fsu.edu<mailto:everhart at fsu.edu>; Adriene Lim, Dean, University Libraries, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, (248) 370-2486, E-mail: ailim at oakland.edu<mailto:ailim at oakland.edu>; Andrew Pace,  Executive Director, Networked Library Services, OCLC, Dublin, OH, (614) 764-6435, E-mail: pacea at oclc.org<mailto:pacea at oclc.org>; Eva Poole, Chief of Staff, District of Columbia Public Library, Washington, DC,  (202) 727-4919, E-mail: eva.poole at dc.gov<mailto:eva.poole at dc.gov>; Karen Schneider, University Librarian, Cushing Library, Holy Names University, Oakland, CA, (510) 436-1160, E-mail: schneider at hnu.edu<mailto:schneider at hnu.edu>; Kendall Wiggin, State Librarian, Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT,  (860) 757-6510, E-mail: lKendall.Wiggin at ct.gov<mailto:Kendall.Wiggin at ct.gov>

Running by Petition and Filing Deadline

Individuals who do not wish to go through the nominations process may run for office by petition.  Petitions will be available from Lois Ann Gregory-Wood, Council Secretariat, ALA, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611, Email: lgregory at ala.org<mailto:lgregory at ala.org>, or during the 2013 Annual Conference or 2014 Midwinter Meeting.  Petitions require 25 signatures for names to be included on the 2014 ballot.  Electronic petitions can also be created<https://www.ala.org/template.cfm?template=/CFApps/epetition/index.cfm>. (This link will take you to the petition page, if you're an ALA member, and if you have a login and password, the same login and password you use to register for conference, etc.)

Deadline for filing petitions is January 31, 2014.

Don Wood
Program Officer
Chapter Relations Office<http://www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/cro/index.cfm>
American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
dwood at ala.org<mailto:dwood at ala.org>
1-800-545-2433, ext. 2429
312-280-4392 (fax)
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Follow CRO on Twitter<http://twitter.com/ALA_CRO>
"If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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