[OPLINLIST] International Children’s Literature and Librarianship - free webinar Nov. 22

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Tue Nov 19 17:08:28 EST 2013

Please excuse multiple postings.

The School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University invites you to a free webinar on International Children’s Literature and Librarianship, presented by Marianne Martens, Ph.D., assistant professor, on Friday, Nov. 22, at 10 a.m. Eastern time.

In addition to discussing the importance of research and study in this area, Dr. Martens will talk about a new course she is leading in Denmark in June 2014. The course involves an online component, as well as 12 days on site in Denmark, visiting key libraries, museums, and other historic and cultural sites that play an important role in modern constructions of childhood.

What: Free Webinar on International Children’s Literature and Librarianship
Who: Students and professionals in any discipline who are interested in international children’s literature and librarianship
Where: Online!
When: 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 22
To receive the link for this webinar, please register at: http://bit.ly/Nov22MartensWebinarReg

The session will last approximately one hour, and viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions during the live presentation. The webinar will be recorded and archived online for later viewing. Register at http://bit.ly/Nov22MartensWebinarReg; the link you receive will be the same for the live presentation and for the recording.

(Note: If you are in the Kent, Ohio, area, you may attend the Nov. 22 presentation in person in the Reinberger Children’s Library Center on the 3rd floor of the University Library. No advance registration is required.)

Dr. Martens came to Kent State University’s School of Library and Information Science in August 2012 to teach and continue her research in the area of youth services. Previously, she served as vice president at children’s publisher North-South Books, Inc. in New York.

In addition to her lifelong interest in promoting international children’s literature, Dr. Martens’ interdisciplinary research is grounded in LIS and Media Studies, and focuses on how books paired with technology are changing the reading experience for young people. Please read more about her research and publications at http://www.mariannemartens.org/.

The youth services librarianship specialization at Kent State University is ranked 10th in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. For more information, visit www.kent.edu/slis<http://www.kent.edu/slis>.

(Note: If you do not already have Silverlight on your computer, you may need to download it in order to view the presentation. It's free at http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/Get-Started/Install/Default.aspx/.)

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