[OPLINLIST] Disposal of Computers

Ed Liddle eliddle at marysvillelib.org
Thu Oct 3 11:22:34 EDT 2013

The following is our surplus materials/equipment disposal policy. I hope it helps!  

PS 1.8 Disposal of Surplus Materials and Equipment 
The Fiscal Officer is authorized by the Board to dispose of library materials, furniture, or equipment that staff has determined is no longer functional or useful. The library Director, assistant Director, or designated staff member may sell or discard such items, or, when an item cannot be readily or practicably sold by the library, may give such items to an organization or governmental unit.

PS 1.81 Sale or Donation of Surplus Items
Items may be stored until enough are gathered to have a sale of the surplus furniture and equipment. The Fiscal Officer can note on specific items if there is a minimum bid price. In a case where the estimated market value of a surplus item to be sold is in excess of $1,000, a written sealed bid procedure will be followed or a sold at a live, publically announced auction. If only a few items are to be sold or there are severe space limitations, a price will be established by the Fiscal Officer (referencing the age, condition and original price, if known) and these items will be sold to the first person presenting payment. Surplus property may be donated or sold to another library or other non–profit organization. The price will be established by the Fiscal Officer based on negotiations with the other organization. Items that may be difficult to sell may be sold to recycling companies, scrap metal dealers, liquidators or auction houses. Surplus property may also be discarded if it is deemed to be in such poor condition that it is not worth storing until a sale is held. Proceeds from the sale of items will be deposited to the General Fund of the Library.
PS 1.82 Restrictions on Surplus Sales
The staff member who declares an item to be surplus, and any members of his/her immediate family, are not permitted to purchase any sale item. Purchases also will not be permitted by the Director, assistant Director, Fiscal Officer, members of the Board of Trustees and their immediate family members. If an item of surplus inventory is believed by the Director or Fiscal Officer to have unusual, historic, or artistic value such items may be referred to the Board for determination of value; that evaluation process may require the services of a professional appraiser or outside expert opinion.
PS 1.83 Surplus Sale Notification
Notification of items for sale may be posted on the Library’s website, public bulletin Boards in the library, or in news releases to the community newspapers. The notification will advise potential buyers that items will be sold as is with no guarantee and must be removed at their own expense by a specified deadline.

-Ed Liddle

Marysville Public Library

From: oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org [oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org] on behalf of Adam Murphy [murphyad at rossfordlibrary.org]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 7:57 PM
To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Disposal of Computers

Staff are first in line for old PCs. Leftovers are put in our book sale.
I think I only have had one PC left after a book sale.

I reformat the drive and then reinstall Windows or install Ubuntu
desktop. I then make sure the video, sound and network card work. I
don't apply any OS updates or install any software. The only PCs I would
use dban on would be the financial computers.


On 10/2/2013 3:14 PM, Susan Pieper wrote:
> Hello all:
> We have a regular schedule for computer upgrades, maintenance, etc. but
> we failed to write or determine a disposal policy. In the past, with our
> old hardware we have recycled. Now we are starting to replace XPs and
> wondering if these would be of interest to patrons? Put in book sale?
> Offer to staff?
> I am interested in reading any of your computer disposal plans.
> Especially for rural libraries.
> Thanks!
> Susan
> *****************************
> Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.
> Director
> Paulding County Carnegie Library
> 205 S Main St, Paulding, Ohio 45879
> 419-399-2032 voice 419-399-2114 fax
> www.pauldingcountylibrary.org <http://www.pauldingcountylibrary.org/>
> ******************************
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Adam Murphy
IT Specialist
Rossford Public Library
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