[OPLINLIST] It's Hero Time

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Wed Aug 6 17:17:30 EDT 2014

Next year’s Summer Reading Program theme is /Heroes/, and we’re already 
thinking about programs you might use.

    The Heroes That Inspire Us

Glance at some of the photos from this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego 
<http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mfl45ekjjd/comic-con-2014-110/> and you 
might think people love movie heroes for the costumes. Or watch 
characters on The Big Bang Theory argue about what makes Superman able 
to fly <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R5w4Qz6pVk>, and you might 
think people love superheroes for their powers.

They do, but people also love heroes for the inspiration. They show us 
examples of facing your fears, facing impossible odds, and coming out 
the victor. If Frodo could do it, if Katniss could do it, maybe I could 
do it to.

    The Heroes That Divide Us

It’s more complicated when our heroes are real people. People live their 
lives, they make their choices, and their records can be uncomfortable 
examples. Obituaries are often more frank about our heroes, like this 
one about Pete Seeger’s communism 
though there was plenty of praise for him 

What happens when we discover that we and our heroes disagree? Sometimes 
we defend them, or try to balance the equation of their lives, as if we 
could. It’s tempting to retreat to fiction, the fiction of movies or the 
simplified versions of real events.

I think there’s safety in the hard truths, too. Real-life heroes make 
hard choices, and sometimes when we look back, we wish they’d chosen 
differently. We can learn from heroes that they aren’t mistake-free, and 
that our blunders don’t disqualify us from greatness. Heroes don’t start 
by succeeding; they start by trying, and that’s something we can 
encourage–and model–for our patrons.


    Summer Reading Workshop: Heroes

Sure there will be superheroes at SWON’s SRP workshop this September, 
but probably not the ones you expect. Come to this all-day workshop in 
Hamilton, Ohio, and you’ll hear lots of ideas in six sessions that 
explore the theme of “Heroes.” Space is limited, so plan ahead to join 
us on September 22nd. Here’s what you can read more: http://bit.ly/srp2015.

Connect to SWON online: Website <http://www.swonlibraries.org/> : 
Calendar <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_list.asp> : Facebook 
<https://www.facebook.com/SWONLibraries?sk=wall> : Twitter 

Calendar excerpts from the next two weeks. (Please register for online 
classes at least two days before they take place.)

  * *It’s Not About Me! Handling Those Complaining Customers Without
    Taking It Personally
    - (8/7/2014) - Online
  * *Leadership at Any Level: Build Your Skills Now for Tomorrow’s
    - (8/12/2014) - Online
  * *Level-Up Lab: Website Usability Testing on the Cheap
    - (8/12/2014) - SWON Meeting Room
  * *Thirty-Two Words We Use Incorrectly in Our Business/Personal
    - (8/14/2014) - Online
  * *CLEAR Review (SIG) Meeting
    - (8/14/2014) - Kenton County Public Library, Covington Branch
  * *CLEAR Review (SIG) Meeting
    - (8/14/2014) - SWON Meeting Room
  * *Generational Harmony: Teaching, Training, and Interacting
    - (8/19/2014) - Online

SWON Libraries - http://www.swonlibraries.org<http://www.swonlibraries.org>
10250 Alliance Road, Suite 225
Blue Ash, OH 45242
phone (513) 751-4422 - fax (513) 751-0463
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