[OPLINLIST] KIN24x7's New Statistics Method

Support support at knowitnow.org
Tue Aug 12 14:14:45 EDT 2014

There have been some questions concerning the new method of gathering statistics for KnowItNow24x7 (KIN24x7) with our new software platform, LibraryH3lp. Some differences between the old method and the new were outlined in the current newsletter available at

http://community.knowitnow.org/node/159826. Scroll down to Selected Statistics (about halfway down the page).

To summarize: With the change to LibraryH3lp as our software platform as of July 1, we no longer require patrons to input their ZIP Code. Those patron-entered ZIP Codes were what were used to cross-reference city, county, and library. As such, these will no longer be available. Statistics of where KIN24x7 patrons come from are now keyed to which widget/queue they used to access the service. This will provide very accurate statistics since it removes patron-entered data from the equation and relies only on hard-coded data. As more libraries request and post the widget, we'll know exactly which library's website was used to access the service.

To add some detail, a library doesn't have to staff KIN24x7 to get a widget/queue (and thus keep track of the KIN24x7 patrons using their website to access the service). All a library has to do is post the widget (i.e., include their unique code snippet in their site to display the new link). This method will also allow library's to encourage patrons to visit their own website to access the statewide service, thus helping to generate more traffic not only to KIN24x7 but also to their local resources.

If a library does staff the service, they can keep track of how many sessions their librarians handle through the "Sessions Handled" statistics.

Statistics will still be available online for patrons and providers at

http://community.knowitnow.org/node/132717 and

http://community.knowitnow.org/content/kin24x7-statistics respectively.

Information on the queues/widgets is available

http://community.knowitnow.org/node/159812 and


To request your widget code or additional information, please email support at knowitnow.org.

Don Boozer
KnowItNow24x7 Coordinator
support at knowitnow.org
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