[OPLINLIST] SOCLC Meeting Minutes from February 6, 2014
Sadie Smith
ssmith at lickingcountylibrary.info
Wed Feb 26 17:38:11 EST 2014
Minutes of SOCLC Meeting on February 6, 2014
The meeting start at 10 a.m. with Donna King presiding. There were 20 people present.
Dates for the rest of the year's SOCLC meetings were set: April 24, September 4, and November 6. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on each date.
Suzette Tidrick from East Guernsey Local School District and Donna King talked about GRREAT--Guaranteeing Reading Readiness Through Early Literacy Activities and Technology. GRREAT operates through a partnership with Crossroads Public Library, the East Guernsey Local S.D., and the Rolling Hills Local S.D. and is funded with grant money from the Ohio Department of Education. Through the grant they are developing and purchasing literacy kits to be used by children, teachers, and parents; offering professional development for preschool and K-3 teachers; purchasing professional development books and literacy supplies for classroom teachers; purchasing quality children's books; sponsoring two literacy nights in each school district; and creating a "Book Nook" at Crossroads Public Library and one other branch.
Suzette also shared information about Ohio's New Learning Standards and how it affects teachers and students. Janet Ingraham Dwyer shared online resources that would be helpful for parents and for librarians, and she reminded us that all the programs, collections, and activities that public libraries have been providing all along support the goals of Common Core.
After lunch, we discussed using iPads and other tablets in story times, as well as program ideas that usually draw good attendance.
The next Story Book Park at Barnesville will be October 4.
Agenda for the next SOCLC meeting:
(Be sure to bring 20 copies of a handout with all the information you'll be sharing with the group--books, song, program ideas with patterns/instructions, websites.)
Share a song that is interactive with motions. Be prepared to demonstrate it with the group, who will be doing it with you!
Bring a summer reading idea and/or craft and/or science experiment.
Sadie Smith will present information about the "1,000 Books before Kindergarten" program which is springing up in public libraries around the country.
Share good online sites for program ideas.
Book sharing. Bring a bibliography of the books you want to share. You can bring the books along as well, but be sure to have the title, author, and ISBN of each book in a list to hand out to the group.
Respectfully submitted by
Sadie Smith, Head of Children's Services
Licking County Library
101 West Main Street
Newark, OH 43055-5054
ssmith at lickingcountylibrary.info<mailto:ssmith at lickingcountylibrary.info>
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