[OPLINLIST] RDA 4….Public Services? You bet! Join OHIONET at our upcoming conference on July 10th to find out more.

Shelly Miller shellym at ohionet.org
Mon Jun 2 15:21:49 EDT 2014

*Please excuse cross-postings.*

OHIONET’s upcoming multi-type conference, RDA 4 Everyone
<http://www.ohionet.org/rda-4-everyone>, will feature three learning
tracks--for copy catalogers, for department managers, and for public
service staff.  And, our speakers hail from libraries both big and small,
from stand-alone organizations and consortia, and from public, academic,
K12 and library-support institutions.  Our goal is to move the discussion
about RDA out of the cataloging realm.  After all, it impacts more than
just your library’s materials-processing workflow.  RDA represents a
revolution in how libraries think about documenting AND accessing the
resources we provide for users--a big step toward a linked data future!

Join us to hear from…


   Elizabeth Hegstrom, Regina Houseman and Barbara Satow (Cleveland Public
   Library) as they present, “OMG, it’s RDA: What Public Services Staff Need
   to Know (without TMI)”

   Betsy Salt (Otterbein) and David Powell (MTSO) as they talk about “RDA
   Implementation in the OPAL Consortium”

   Rex Hughes (OSU) as he discusses, “It’s a bird! It’s a plane!  It’s
   RDA!: Graphic Novels, Artist Books, and the Other Colorful Aspects of RDA.”

A full list of confirmed speakers, as well as information on registration
and payment options, can be found by CLICKING HERE
<http://www.ohionet.org/rda-4-everyone>.  The final conference schedule
will be posted by Monday, June 9th.

If you find yourself with questions, please don’t hesitate to contact…
Shelly S. Miller
Continuing Education Coordinator
 1500 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, OH 43221-3975

Voice: (614) 484-1063
Toll-Free: (800) 686-8975 x37
Fax: (614) 486-1527
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