[OPLINLIST] Library Road Maps - Proposals due March 10th

Sean Socha Sean.Socha at harrison.edu
Wed Mar 5 12:28:34 EST 2014

Please excuse cross-postings.
Call For Proposals: DUE by March 10th!

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The Indiana Online Users Group<http://www.iolug.org/> (IOLUG) Program Committee invites you to submit a proposal to present at the Spring 2014 IOLUG program, "Library Road Maps: Patrons in the Driver's Seat" on May 16, 2014 at Indiana Wesleyan University's Indianapolis North campus. Submit your proposal using the online form<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=dEVkNzFZMVpsM1FvTGRLdk45MzBxN2c6MA#gid=0> by NOON, March 10th. Get some inspiration from previous years' sessions on the IOLUG website<http://www.iolug.org/conferences.html>.

Libraries and librarians are continually evolving as we embrace community and cultural changes affecting our resources and services. Have you conducted usability studies to redesign your library's website? Are you redesigning a space in your library based on user feedback? Have you recently implemented patron-driven acquisition? If so, we invite you to submit a proposal for the Spring IOLUG 2014 program! Some suggested topics to consider:

*         Patron-driven Acquisition

*         Maker Spaces

*         Designing Library Websites to Meet User Needs

*         Creating New Services or Redesigning Services to Meet User Needs

*         User Experience and Usability Studies

*         Anthropological and Ethnographic Studies

*         Methods for Feedback Gathering

*         Self-service Models
*         ...and any other topics that puts the library in the hands of the patrons!

Librarian Coach
614.539.8800 (campus)
614.808.2125 (direct)
3880 Jackpot Rd.
Grove City, OH  43123

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Reach a Harrison grad - post your job today.

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