[OPLINLIST] final notice: CFP DOCAM'14

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Tue Mar 11 10:41:25 EDT 2014

Please excuse multiple postings.


The Document Academy Invites Proposals for the
11th Annual Meeting of the
Document Academy, DOCAM'14
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
August (6)7-9, 2014

Theme: "Documents Without Borders"
The theme of this year's meeting embodies the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary natures of document studies. In this light, the program committee encourages proposals promoting document discourse that is open to all formats, contents, and disciplines.

Presentations in any format can address the following (but will not be limited to)

  *   Document Theory, Analysis, Creation, Structure, and/or Design
  *   Applications thereof
  *   Document Showcasing and Collection Highlights
  *   Educational Considerations

Background: DOCAM'14 is the eleventh annual meeting of the Document Academy, an international network of scholars, artists, and professionals in various fields, who are interested in the exploration of the concept of the document as a resource for scholarly, artistic, and professional work.

The Document Academy fosters a multidisciplinary space for experimental and critical research on the document in the widest sense, drawing on scholarship, traditions, and experiences from the arts, humanities, social sciences, education, and natural science, and from diverse fields, such as information, media, museum, archives, culture, and science studies.

The Document Academy originated as a co-sponsored effort by the Program of Documentation Studies, University of Tromso, Norway, and the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley. The 2014 conference is hosted by the School of Library and Information Science, College of Communication and Information at Kent State University from 7-9 August 2014, with an optional preconference gathering on the evening of 6 August 2014.

The conference language is English.

Presentation Formats:

The DOCAM'14 Program Committee especially encourages presentations, research, and visualizations in the following formats:

1.  20-minute presentations followed by 10 minutes of discussion
2.  Burst sessions of 7 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion
3.  Poster sessions to be on display for the duration of the conference

[20-minute presentations are useful for research, performance, demonstrations, and innovations; burst sessions are useful for unfinished research and unpolished ideas; poster sessions are especially useful for students to showcase research; not limited to students, professionals and scholars may use posters to show off collections and for visual representations of models and data]

DOCAM'14 Instantiation: *NEW This Year!*

This year, the DOCAM'14 Committee will be designing and arranging a three-dimensional space to showcase documents representing all accepted proposals (20 min and Burst) for the annual conference. Representative documents will be sent in by authors and can be of any possible form, assuming it can be exhibited within given parameters. Instructions for participation will be included with proposal acceptance letters. The MuseLab, where the Instantiation will be held, is a creative and collaborative space for thinking, doing, and learning about museal things. It is located in the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, the conference venue. For more on the MuseLab visit http://www.kent.edu/slis/about/locations/muselab.cfm

Proposal Submissions:

For your proposal, include all of the following. Please use standard formats (such as .doc, .pdf, .jpg, .mpg for your submission components).

1.  A brief description of up to 500 words (or equivalent) for your proposed presentation
2.  Title and up to 5 keywords
3.  Names and contact information of all contributors
4.  What type of presentation you are proposing
5.  Special equipment requirements
6.  MuseLab exhibit document: All presentations will be represented as part of the DOCAM'14 MuseLab Instantiation. Describe the document you will be submitting for exhibit including material, dimensions, title, 20-25word description (this will be the label for the exhibit), and a short explanation about how it relates to your presentation (not for exhibit). A photograph of the document would be tremendously useful.*

*Once your proposal has been accepted, you will be asked to send (preference) or bring the document, or copy of the document to the DOCAM '14 MuseLab Committee.

Proposal submissions should be sent to Jodi Kearns (jkearns at uakron.edu<mailto:jkearns at uakron.edu>) no later than 15 March 2014. Decisions will be announced by 15 April 2014.

Proceedings: *NEW This Year!*
This year, we will compile conference proceedings. If you wish your work to be part of the DOCAM'14 conference proceedings, you will need to submit your work as a paper of between 2000-4000 words to Jodi Kearns (jkearns at uakron.edu<mailto:jkearns at uakron.edu>) by August 31, 2014.

DOCAM'14 Website: http://www.kent.edu/docam14
DOCAM'14 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/docam2014

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