[OPLINLIST] Renowned pop up book artist Robert Sabuda headlines Kent State symposium

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Fri Mar 14 11:14:44 EDT 2014

Renowned children's pop-up book artist and paper engineer Robert Sabuda brings his unrivaled talents to Kent State University for a special symposium on children's movable books.

Teachers, librarians, artists, designers, students, collectors and all lovers of children's books are invited to attend the one-day event:
Pop It! Move It! Use It!
Programming, Selecting and Exploring Children's Movable Books

Friday, May 2, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Governance Chambers (2nd floor, Kent Student Center)

The registration fee is $75; full-time graduate and undergraduate students can attend for $35. (Registration includes program, materials, lunch, refreshments and parking.)

Seating is limited; register early! Visit https://commerce.cashnet.com/SLIS to register.

Sabuda will give the keynote address and lead the participants in a hands-on pop-up activity in the morning. (BYOS - Bring your own scissors!) He also will sign copies of his books (available at the Kent State University Bookstore) during the lunch break.

Robert Sabuda's books are known the world over for their intricate, stunning artistry. For example, a New York Times review of his Alice's Adventures in Wonderland said, "The veteran Robert Sabuda's more ambitiously engineered version ... has raised the bar within the genre. Sabuda, a veteran artist and pop-up creator (The Christmas Alphabet, The Wizard of Oz), is also a movable book maven ... He has created an object that is the most absorbing book/toy I've played with in a long time. The intelligent paper trickery on each spread is, well, awesome.... Surprise is essential to the success of any pop-up book -- although with some of the less inventive ones, after the first couple of routine pop-ups the viewer's expectations are likely to diminish. Sabuda has surprises on every spread..."

For more information about Robert Sabuda, his books and artistry, visit http://wp.robertsabuda.com/.

After lunch, symposium participants explore the following topics:

  *   All about pop-up apps and online pop-up resources/activities for classrooms and libraries, with Marianne Martens, Ph.D., SLIS Assistant Professor;
  *   Popping-Up Through Time: A Short History of Pop-Up Books. with Larry Rakow, retired librarian, pop-up collector and owner of Wonderland Books (online store for old, rare and collectible children's books);
  *   Programming with pop-up and movable books; building a library or classroom collection, with Sue McLeaf Nespeca, owner of KidLitPlus Consulting and expert in children's books and early literacy; and
  *   Collecting pop-up and movable books, with collectors Diana Tirpak, Jan Ridgeway and Carol G. Davis.

Participants also will enjoy a touch lab display of 50+ pop-up books; an optional lunch-time tour of the Reinberger Children's Library Center<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/about/locations/reinberger-childrens-library-center.cfm> and Marantz Picturebook Collection<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/about/locations/marantz-picturebook-collection-for-the-study-of-picturebook-art.cfm> (in the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State) to see the Carol G. Davis Pop-up Collection of 500+ pop-up and movable books; and a display of pop-ups from Wonderland Books. (Wonderland Books will have books available for purchase at the symposium.)

The event is sponsored by the School of Library and Information Science<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/index.cfm> and School of Visual Communication Design<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/vcd/index.cfm> at Kent State University, and the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System (NEO-RLS)<http://neotoday.org/>.

Space is limited. Register early!   Visit https://commerce.cashnet.com/SLIS to register.

While he's in town, Robert Sabuda also will make appearances at the Akron Art Museum<http://akronartmuseum.org/> (330-376-9185; Thursday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m.) and The Learned Owl Book Shop<http://www.learnedowl.com/> in Hudson (330-653-2252; Saturday, May 3). Visit their respective websites or call for details.



Flo Cunningham
Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University
fcunning at kent.edu
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