[OPLINLIST] Early Bird & Group Rates available for 2015 Virginia Hamilton Conference

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Wed Nov 5 09:29:19 EST 2014

Please excuse duplicate postings

Registration is now open for the 31st Virginia Hamilton Conference on Multicultural Literature for Youth, scheduled for April 9 and 10, 2015. Early bird and group rates are available for this year's event, which features award-winning authors and illustrators David Macaulay, Grace Lin and Rita Williams-Garcia.

The Virginia Hamilton Conference is held each year at Kent State University and is sponsored by the School of Library and Information Science, the College of Education, Health, and Human Services and the Office of Continuing and Distance Education. The conference provides a forum for discussion of multicultural themes and issues for children and young adults.
Read more about this year's conference and keynote speakers<http://www2.kent.edu/virginiahamiltonconference/index.cfm>.

Early Bird Registration
This year the conference will offer early registration discounts for regular registrants. (Note: The student rates are already discounted and cannot be discounted further for early bird registration. See below.)

The discounted rates are: Thursday evening only, $35; Friday only, $105; full conference, $120. Early registration ends Feb. 1, 2015. After that date, the rates will be: Thursday evening only, $40; Friday only, $120; and full conference, $150. Registration for the conference ends on March 20, 2015.

Group Registration
Group rates are available for teachers and librarians who register through their school/library. For every three registrations purchased at the regular rate, the school/library will get one free registration. (Note: All three registrations must be the same; e.g., all full registrations, or all Thursday only, or all Friday only.)

The school or library should contact the Office of Continuing and Distance Education (OCDE) at 330-672-3100  orcontinuinged at kent.edu<mailto:continuinged at kent.edu> to register for the group rate. (Group rate is not available through online registration.)

Purchase Orders
Schools/libraries may pay for the registration with purchase orders. Please submit the registration form and the purchase order together. The Office of Continuing and Distance Education (OCDE) will then invoice the school/library for payment. Any questions about the purchase order process can be directed to OCDE at 330-672-3100 or continuinged at kent.edu.<mailto:continuinged at kent.edu>

Student Rates
Student participants receive the following discounted rates: Thursday only, $25; Friday only, $65; full conference, $75. Students may register online<http://www2.kent.edu/cde/conferences/virginiahamilton.cfm> or using the registration form.<http://www2.kent.edu/academics/cde/conferences/loader.cfm?csModule=security/getfile&PageID=3877012>

For more information about the conference and registration, visit http://www2.kent.edu/virginiahamiltonconference/index.cfm.<http://www2.kent.edu/virginiahamiltonconference/index.cfm>

All the best,


Flo Cunningham
Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University
fcunning at kent.edu<mailto:fcunning at kent.edu>

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Twitter: @KentStateSLIS<https://twitter.com/#%21/KentStateSLIS>

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. -- Jorge Luis Borges
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