[OPLINLIST] Open Toe Shoes/Dress Code Policy

Laura Lee Wilson llwilson at huroncolib.org
Mon Sep 8 11:49:53 EDT 2014

Yes, we do.

I always remind staff in the spring about our dress code (it seems to relax
during the warm weather months); dress professionally, wear clothing and
shoes appropriate for their duties.  Generally speaking we have a no butts,
no boobs guideline - if you bend over and I have to look at something that
should be covered it is in violation of the dress code - toes don't apply.

I'm sure there are cases where staff have had toes bruised in open-toed
shoes, but I personally have been bruised and beaten up on the legs, hips,
and arms by carts, tables, chairs, etc., maybe I'm just a klutz but if
folks are comfortable wearing sandals (not flip flops) I'm not going to
stand in their way.

That's my two cents.   ~LLW

Laura Lee Wilson, MLIS
Library Director
Huron County Community Library
6 West Emerald Street
Willard, OH 44890
PH: 419-933-2544
FX: 419-933-4783
llwilson at huroncolib.org

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On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Mike Hensel <mhensel at mylondonlibrary.org>

>  OPLIN Libraries:
> I’m gathering feedback from libraries in regards to allowing staff members
> to wear open toe shoes (sandals, dress shoes with an open front, etc.).
> Yes, you do….
> or
> No, you don’t….
> Any input would be appreciated.
> Mike Hensel
> Director, MLIS
> London Public Library
> 20 E. First Street
> London, OH 43140
> www.mylondonlibrary.org
> 740-852-9543
> Mobile 614-325-1429
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