[OPLINLIST] Question for Catalogers

Susan Pieper susanhillpieper at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 12:53:36 EDT 2015

Hello all:
Having just read the expose about the Library of Congress (*Washington Post*,
March 31) and a comment stating that professional catalogers may not be
used anymore, I have a cataloging question about how to classify a couple
of titles.  We have a small browsing collection (less than 70K items
system-wide). The books in question are *Rise of Isis, the threat we can't
ignore*; and *Isis, the State of Terror*. Many libraries have these
classified in the 956s. Many in 363s. I think it should be in the 297s.
Isn't Isis an offshoot of Islam? Isn't it radicalized Islam? We often
reclassify items to fit our local collection, but I am stumped. I thought
the 900s were mostly history. Is there a current events area in DDC for the
Middle East? I'm befuddled, as per usual when it comes to cataloging for
rural libraries (hey, that sounds like a great workshop topic)! I remember
in library school, I raised my hand and stated to my professor that I would
never have need for the material I was learning in this class. When he
asked why?, I answered, "because I will hire someone to catalog for me."
Well... seems I did learn something in that class and after 30 years of
library experience, I am still questioning some of the modern placements in
an antiquated DDC system.
Any advice for our titles in question?
Thanks in advance!
*Susan Hill Pieper, M.S.L.S.*
*Paulding County Carnegie Library*
205 S Main St, Paulding, Ohio 45879
419-399-2032 voice 419-399-2114 fax
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