[OPLINLIST] dollhouse exhibit case

Robin Heintz RHeintz at piqualibrary.org
Mon Aug 17 08:49:06 EDT 2015

Hello all,

Our library has several antique doll houses that have been donated, and we would like to put them on display. We are in search of a case that can hold a large dollhouse, to rotate them on exhibit.

Do any of you have dollhouses on display? How do you secure them?

I'm in search of an affordable option to pull this together – interested in any resource that you've used for exhibit cases, or possibly an older case you don't need, or that may need some repair?… suggestions?


Robin Heintz
Marketing Specialist
Chair of Programming
Piqua Public Library
937-773-6753 ext. 215
rheintz at piqualibrary.org<mailto:rheintz at piqualibrary.org>

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