Gerry Vogel gvogel at avonlake.lib.oh.us
Wed Aug 26 20:50:11 EDT 2015

Hello -- lately we have been happy to offer many un-needed Kwik Kases to
the library community.

Now the shoe's on the other foot.  We are short in our music collection!

If anyone has single CD Kwik Kases stashed away, we could use about 50.  We
are on Priority Dispatch CLE 01500.

Gerry Vogel, MLIS
Assistant Director, Avon Lake Public Library
32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake OH 44012 www.alpl.org
general phone: 440-933-8128 (x239) direct line: 440-933-7238
cell (and text): 440-714-7581 fax: 440-933-6406
*any opinions expressed are my own and not (necessarily, or yet) those of

*We offer our patrons 72 hours of full access to the New York Times:  1. go
to www.nytimes.org/redeemaccess <http://www.nytimes.org/redeemaccess>, 2.
use code e110233985de5fc0, 3. log in, or create your free account*
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