[OPLINLIST] Online Payroll

Janelle Thomas jthomas.spl at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 13:54:27 EST 2015

Afternoon, everyone!

We are interested in moving away from handwritten time sheets and
implementing some kind of alternative that would be more efficient. We have
a staff of ten and provide sick, vacation, holiday, and personal leave. We
also use the UAN system for our payroll.

Does anyone have a recommendation of a system that works well for their
library that they would be willing to share?

Thank you everyone for any advice -- and have a fabulous holiday season!!!

Best wishes,
~ Janelle

*Janelle Thomas*

Director, Swanton Public Library

305 Chestnut St.

Swanton, OH 43558

4 <614-752-9178>19-826-2760, ext. 208

w <http://www.library.ohio.gov/>ww.swantonpubliclibrary.org
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