[OPLINLIST] Don't leave empty-handed

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Fri Jan 23 10:08:07 EST 2015

SWON Libraries

SWON Libraries // Weekly

  * Planning to learn
  * The Take 5 Conference is April 24th
  * A Teen Reading Challenge explainer
  * Be My Eyes


At a recent museum trip, I saw kids running around with notebooks busily 
writing. They looked like the first journalists let loose in Willy 
Wonka’s factory, and they were definitely working on assignment. They 
probably learned a lot more from their trip than I did. Why? They were 
looking for something.

Learning and attention go hand-in-hand for grownups, too. If you walk 
into a classroom with no ideas of what you’d like to learn, you might 
leave empty-handed. What if you aren’t sure what they’ll teach or how it 
might help you? Dodge that pitfall 
<http://speeddemosarchive.com/Pitfall2.html> and set your own learning 

        This list goes to 11

Whether you’re walking into a week-long conference or logging onto a 
one-hour webinar, you can set learning goals and meet them. To start, 
literally make space for your goals by writing them down briefly and 
creating a space for what you hope to discover.

If your goal at a workshop is to take home five programming ideas, draw 
five lines on the page with room enough to fill in some details. If you 
make it your mission to fill your five, you might end up with more. If 
you wait with blank paper for something to wow you, you might not leave 
with much to show.

Networking can work the same way. Meet-and-greeting can feel wishy-washy 
especially if you leave with a stack of business cards and only vague 
memories of the people who gave them to you. Instead, draw lines for 
names and contact info, plus space to write down why you might contact 
them. If that’s a space you set out to fill, you’re more likely to make 
useful contacts.

  * Nathan Swartzendruber, SWON Technology Educator


        Take 5 ideas

The Take 5 conference sets this approach as one of their guiding ideas. 
The organizers invite attendees to take away at least five new contacts, 
five new ideas, and five action steps. With dedicated time for 
conversations as well as for speakers, Take 5 is a great opportunity to 
try this take-charge approach among teen- and youth-services peers from 
libraries, museums, arts groups, educators and others.

Take 5 is in Cincinnati this year, at the downtown branch of the Public 
Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, on April 24th. It’s just $20 
to attend, so make your plans now.



        Teen Reading Challenge Rules and Instructions

Curious about the Teen Reading Challenge, but want to know more about 
how it works? Read the new Rules and Instructions 
<http://swonlibraries.org/?trc_2015> page, which cheekily but accurately 
describes how to participate in the Challenge 


        Video chatting with the blind

A new smartphone app lets sighted people help the blind from afar. If a 
non-sighted person needs to read a label, for example, they can use the 
app to open a video chat with a sighted user of the app. The sighted 
person simply reads the label out loud. It's an obvious solution in 
hindsight, but I'm sure it took plenty of work to create. The app, Be My 
Eyes <http://www.bemyeyes.org/faq/>, is currently available in the 
iTunes App Store 


        Coming up on the calendar

/Please register for online classes at least two days before they take 

  * *Graphic Novels 101: From Newb to Know How in 60 Minutes
    January 27, 2015 - Online
  * *Creating Baby Spaces in Public Libraries
    January 27, 2015 - Online
  * *Once Upon a Storytime: Sharing Folk and Fairytales in Children's
    January 29, 2015 - Online
  * *ALA Midwinter Meeting*
    January 30, 2015 to February 3, 2015 - Chicago, IL
  * *SWON’s 2015 Teen Reading Challenge
    February 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015 - Online
  * *How to Avoid Burnout
    February 3, 2015 - Online
  * *Teen Summer Library Programs
    February 4, 2015 - Online

You’re receiving this because you’re an awesome SWON Libraries customer 
or subscribed via our site <http://swonlibraries.org/>.

*Edit your subscription 
<http://lists.swonlibraries.org/mailman/listinfo/events>*   |

Follow us on Twitter <http://twitter.com/swonlibraries> 	Visit us on 
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/SWONLibraries>

SWON Libraries

10250 Alliance Road, Suite 112
Blue Ash, OH 45242

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