[OPLINLIST] Fwd: Augmented Reality (Thursday February 5 at 3:30 pm EST)

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Tue Jan 27 10:26:07 EST 2015

At the suggestion of one of the library directors I work with, several
years ago I read a fun book by Ernest Cline called Ready Play One. It
offers a glimpse into our potential future set in the year 2044 (although
I'd maybe push that back a couple of decades). It's a fun book that, while
I hope it doesn't completely accurately project our future, it does have
several elements that I think just might become inevitable. One of the
major elements in the book is a heavy use (almost entire reliance upon) of
virtual reality with whole-body immersion in a completely realistic and
accessible way...no matrix-style direct links to the brain or any such
(although that's becoming more and more believable too!) Children are no
longer going to a physical school...they simple attend virtually and
essentially have the same experience within their virtual classrooms and
with real teachers' avatars. Most of the world's population is immersed
because, frankly, it's a much nicer place to be than in the real world.

But the most interesting thing about the book is that ever since I read it,
I've been reminded of it over and over again with the increasing flow of
new and very viable products and technologies coming to market in the area
of augmented and virtual reality:  augmented reality video games on
handheld game devices, Oculus VR, Microsoft's new HoloLens, motion
detection ala XBox et al., gloves that give sensation/pressure feedback,

It's cool and scary, amazingly beneficial and detrimental to society all at
the same time! I'd love to fast forward 100 years to take a peek. Too bad
I'll be gone by then.   ...or will I....?   [?]


*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full LAN/WAN consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and schools*

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Stephen Hedges <hedgesst at oplin.org> wrote:

> I received this webinar announcement, and even though the webinar is
> targeted at teachers, it seems like it might also be interesting for some
> Youth Services folks, so I'm passing it along.
> Stephen
> --
> Stephen Hedges, Director
> Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
> 2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
> 614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"INFOhio" <central at infohio.org>
> *To: *hedgesst at oplin.org
> *Sent: *Tuesday, January 27, 2015 8:49:23 AM
> *Subject: *Augmented Reality (Thursday February 5 at 3:30 pm EST)
>           *Learn With INFOhio!*
>   *Free **Professional Development*
> *Webinar Series*
>      *Join our next Webinar!  *
> * (Correction on the date)Thursday, February 5, 2015, 3:30 - 4:30 (EDT)
> Augmented Reality    *
> *Register now to attend
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvh278SiTlVS26g4Nu-XZMw2vC-XC9kyu3lRWsLo1FewNIs_yxUv5MDJyA98opOaHN9MNrIrPodWmtCBAlCeWgCW7GwiFAQ91x4yU7VxCDwXN6LK4qGXTYDgucqs3x8sGcA==&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>*
> *More info on this Webinar*
> Learn how to create fun and engaging lessons for your students with
> augmented reality! Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes
> a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world. Learn how
> you can create interactive experiences for your students by unlocking or
> creating layers of digital information on top of the physical world that
> can be viewed through an Android or iOS device. This session includes ideas
> for using AR in all subject areas.
> Presenter: Morgan Nickolai, Library Media Specialist, Sidney High School
> * We look forward to seeing you there!     Pass it on!  *
>     Come Prepared
> Review the following short presentations to understand how to participate
> in one of our webinars and to learn about badging.
>    - *How to participate in a Learn With INFOhio webinar
>    <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvu2Tqx9yHENv8PUD5Yx2eItcu0BFJoH8jR7HIgLmCGI4RxXyip07WT-BrSbXJGcR3D41nN77dwC6lmtRFqDDsXBqPUkGn9zOF1-_n7lfQmyNpZVBbVD1-N6bQJ0e4fKUGh8GX6sEPBigjblNdMZIxk0E4aETKtAbg68IRLeCl4-MMNatiyd9q78=&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>*
>    -
> * Using Credly to manage your badges
>    <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvu2Tqx9yHENvleSXNc98ctQpCVjeDjxEkSucvWflbi3rGIB4umzSA1ciebST47rBb38EdXcyez-HZoJg73zmtEzQycKjsJ7l8aUst-Dlto48kr5oAiWkcyX_9ANBXeVv7KhCR0l4JOMASpiYEupJG1A3eBeBnf9xDFXoyRKMZBybwLGEaUVClA56jrWn6YMOEQ==&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>
>    *
>    -
> * Test your connection before the webinar
>    <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvq7zRq6FKMwQ7Cs9t_HfMDj3_5W7w_kMb5G5NuvzEth8xurQuC3iAxrnLJt-fSox5qOKFnnKYb16YQAKWJBsTptUzgxK6HAfWj5ZtopXlaUC2nkfd159epUwj1aWHTKl2LYHxmRPujwtG8rGnQENMerXtIBRANOcNJlhZZ4RAiJOK316nujP2AY=&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>
>      *
> *Questions?*
> Email us: registration at infohio.org
>     *Quick Links *
> *Register to attend our next webinar
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvh278SiTlVS26g4Nu-XZMw2vC-XC9kyu3lRWsLo1FewNIs_yxUv5MDJyA98opOaHN9MNrIrPodWmtCBAlCeWgCW7GwiFAQ91x4yU7VxCDwXN6LK4qGXTYDgucqs3x8sGcA==&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>*
> *URL to Join Webinar
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvlqI8jnc8BezHmi_knNVzwATwMXNRQ65GBPARKGocMlXIBDTslIFyXY27n8ZMvXpYoELQ73yoy1EDI4ql9M0NDpoP34K9P_sTjd9IOryOiiXTl91-nE9N3rI4hll1icyuS57J_QEAGqU&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>*
> *Test your connection
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvlqI8jnc8Bezr-tN4qwsMBUNOGKkpjtytT_6U0XwHoChcJB94xo8PVCjex8M-mAnYE4FvsYBHo6qgRK4nmI0e78qQ_gIe8UOEC-UsJ6EAdN4RXtv9LucKKfkQdzQtAos6pFmQRPfor4Xr3_89trsQBSv7LYI1LBPlrX09W-nNRQBtyxlQtpdrvPkXtEjHUuG4g==&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>*
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * Certificates available for live webinars and recordings. *
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     *Presenters*
>  *Morgan Nickolai   *
>     ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> *INFOhio's FREE* Professional Development offerings are an easy way
> to meet your required # of CEUs while learning about great resources and
> tools you can use for yourself and with your students!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
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> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012-4FXa7qKV0pyKSlU4-HvuUXkb-29YhEQFbOa-nFe4B8_VoVGzdmvms7S2J12LAn1e6f5-uWlBHYRzJ_YsO188V3OQjOg_-TAkbvDpib-mWtBpRdmw1an_PFjnd8N0JJ9HsT9wTaaRKt-0T_oOkULbIRcXwZqa4hcjOsjDbQzGi8QCUsyl5oBA==&c=wiNYBHO5Dityqmq9h9rWbHD1qzpwua45r5gODyRV0LZeHHW7KtYhrg==&ch=vaJpZIZO8U2z52ZJj_vkun3vVxoj6IQzn3nMDqfF3KyCBDoAFittSw==>*[image:
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