[OPLINLIST] Traveling Salesman with Bag and T-Shirt

Janelle Thomas j.thomas at swantonpubliclibrary.org
Wed Jul 1 16:18:51 EDT 2015


He has also been to the Swanton Public Library, though it has been over
a month now. We informed him basically the same thing and he eventually
left, though not happily. 

Glad to have such a strong support system here in Ohio!!! 

Best wishes, 


On 2015-07-01 3:43 pm, Susan Pieper wrote: 

> Hello all: 
> I have just had an encounter with the traveling salesman with a bag of books. He stopped by two of my branches first, but they told her they do not purchase that way. Then he came to the main library. He was very pushy and adamant. He told one of my branch managers that he was just trying to make a living. I informed him we do not purchase from walk-in sales reps unless they had made an appointment with us. He asked for an appointment and I refused because he had no credentials from any company that is set up as a vendor with our library system (W-9s, insurance, etc.) He had no ID. I told him Paulding County libraries would not purchase from him. I stood my ground, but he made me feel uneasy. 
> Just wanted to let NW Ohio libraries know he is in the neighborhood and visiting small branches. 
> Hope you all have a great holiday! 
> Susan
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