Melissa Lattanzi lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Mon Jul 6 09:59:14 EDT 2015

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·         Click the following link http://www.viethconsulting.com/members/memberinfo/neo_reg_options.php?org_id=NEOL

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·         If you have difficulty please call the NEO Office and we will be happy to assist you.  330-655-0531

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Weekly Update

  *   Register for Summer Classes!
  *   Express to Impress
  *   Less than a week-Summer Library Symposium
  *   Invoices Emailed
  *   One Hour to Learn

Less than a week-Summer Library Symposium
July 14th--Kent State University<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34613>
It's not too late to register for this year's Summer Library Symposium featuring 3 authors, Andrea Cheng, Angela Johnson, and Shelly Pearsall.  In addition to our fabuouls authors you will hear from a publisher about diversity in books along with the Children's and Young Adult Literature Update and so much more.
Invoices Emailed
Discount membership invoices have been emailed to your fiscal officer.  If your library hasn’t received your invoice please contact Debbie Blair at the NEO office either by phone (330-655-0531) or email<mailto:deb.blair at neo-rls.org>.
One Hour to Learn
We know that time is precious in the summer between summer reading programs and vacations.  That is why NEO has several one-hour webinars for you to choose from.  There is somethng for everyone.   Here is the link to all of NEO's webinars<http://www.myneotoday.org/events_feed_by_track.php?q=262>.

Register for Summer Classes!

Using Technology in the Library to Serve Those With Special Needs<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34671>

Setting Performance Goals, Evaluations and Coaching<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34605>

2015 New Supervisors’ Academy Part II<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34610>

Summer Library Symposium<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34613>

Serving Older Youth With Special Needs<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34672>

LISTENING: A SKILL YOU CAN DEVELOP<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34673>

Meetings That Matter<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34606>

Marketing Academy: Marketing on an Hour a Day<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34420>

Must Read Fall Fiction for Young Adults<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34674>

Training Chat<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=35022>

Soft Skills for Strong Management: Cultivating Good Critical Thinking<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34607>

A Day at the Beach<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34655>

Graphic Design 101 for Libraries<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34801>

A Simple Leadership Recipe<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34853>

How to Write a Press Release<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34844>

Marketing Academy: Sales Training<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34676>

Actively Listening in a Loud, Distracting World<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34848>

Managing Change<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34608>

Spectacular Displays: Minimum Work, Maximum Impact<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34850>

Off the Beaten Path: Take Your Storytimes in New Directions<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34851>

A Day for Circ Staff: Frontline Success<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34682>

Library Ambassador: Leading a K-12 Faculty Outreach Initiative (Mostly) on Your Own<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=35026>

Express to Impress
[http://myneotoday.org/photos/22977_07062015082323.jpg]How should I act? What should I say? How should I say it? Communication is a huge part of everyone’s job these days and, whether you are preparing for a tough, one-on-one meeting, to facilitate a meeting or even to give a presentation, you want to be at your best. “Express to Impress” will help prepare you for all these opportunities to impress your staff, your customers (voters) and your boss with great body language, strong presentations and outstanding speaking skills. Attend to either brush up or build new communication skills.  Join us on Tuesday, September 22nd at the NEO Office for Express to Impress<http://www.viethconsulting.com/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=34385>.

Template 1 - NEONews

If you no longer wish to receive these messages, please click here to unsubscribe<http://www.viethconsulting.com/members/optout.php?orgcode=NEOL&nid=2473007&mid=825503449>
Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1580 Georgetown Rd. | Hudson, OH 44236

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