[OPLINLIST] Experience + Learning

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Tue Jun 9 13:31:51 EDT 2015

Hands-on learning, these days often called /experiential learning/, is a 
big deal at SWON. We have a whole series of workshops, our Level-Up 
Labs, that put it at the center. For some topics, hands-on learning is 
an easy fit. Take HTML. When you're writing the code, you see the 
practical results of your work. If you forget to put in a slash, you can 
see your entire page can become one long link. You need to practice it.

As practical as this kind of experiential learning is, it can also be 
attractive because it's pretty private. You're the only one looking at 
your screen. If you goof, you're the only one to see it unless you call 
the instructor over. That can make your learning experience less risky, 
but isolated learning has its drawbacks. You might miss the chance to 
ask a question or hear a suggestion.

The stakes can feel higher when the topic requires your learning 
experience to be public. That might include role-plays---/"You be the 
hotel manager"/---but also group activities where your learning process 
is visible to those around you. Those higher stakes present 
opportunities. When you volunteer, it can be your marketing puzzle the 
group tries to solve or your customer service issue the group helps 

*Libraries provide instruction all the time.* When you're the one 
teaching, *make it your mission to include an experiential learning 
component.* It's also your job to *make your learning environment 
constructive and protected so that people feel free to participate, even 
when they're on the spot.*

  * Nathan Swartzendruber, SWON Technology Educator


    Supervisor Training goes on the road

SWON is planning a series of Supervisor Training Labs for the fall that 
will be held at several sites around our region. You can expect to find 
experiential learning components in each of these. If you're interested 
in hosting supervisor training at your library, contact Melanie at 
melanie at swonlibraries.org <mailto:melanie at swonlibraries.org>.

In the meantime, SWON's previous Level-Up Labs are ready to travel! If 
you'd like a two-hour, hands-on workshop on Personality Theory for 
<http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=455958> or Dealing 
with Conflict 
<http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=484350>, we're 
ready to schedule them with you. Our Level-Up Lab page 
<http://swonlibraries.org/?page=level_up_labs> also lists 
technology-related Labs. Ready to learn more? We're ready to bring a 
learning experience to you!


    Coming up on the calendar

  * *Level-Up Lab: Website Usability Testing
    June 10, 2015 - SWON Meeting Room
  * *Weeding 101: What to Keep, What to Toss, What to Replace
    June 11, 2015 - Online
  * *CLEAR Literature Review (Special Interest Group) Meeting
    June 11, 2015 - Kenton County Public Library, Covington Branch
  * *CLEAR Literature Review (Special Interest Group) Meeting
    June 11, 2015 - SWON Libraries Meeting Room
  * *SWON Executive Board Meeting
    June 16, 2015 - SWON Meeting Room
  * *Library Love for Library Reads
    June 16, 2015 - Online
  * *Engaging the Volunteer of the Future
    June 17, 2015 - Online
  * *A Day for Adult Services
    June 18, 2015 - Edison College, Piqua, Ohio

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