[OPLINLIST] Online Bookmarking

Michele Skolmutch mskolmutch at holmeslib.org
Thu Jun 18 18:23:11 EDT 2015

Several of us at the Holmes County District Public Library have been using
Pinterest as an easy and accessible way to keep track of websites, program
ideas, etc. I've found it so much easier to navigate than trying to scroll
through long lists of bookmarks. Pinterest's layout is excellent for those
who are more visual.

You can create boards that are public or secret (staff only). Most websites
have the pinning capability so it's pretty easy to use.

However, I can't recall if the boards are viewable for those who don't have
a Pinterest account. Maybe others can chime in with that answer.

Good luck!

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Gregg McCullough <gmccull1 at kent.edu> wrote:

> My library's looking for ideas for how staff can bookmark and maintain
> links in an online/cloud-based, free program.  I use Delicious for my
> personal links, and have mentioned that, but I was wondering if other
> libraries may be using.  We do bookmark sites on our respective computers,
> but we want to be able to access our saved links from whatever
> computer/work station we may be using.
> Any input would be greatly appreciated.
> Gregg E. McCullough, CFCS, MLIS
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Michele Skolmutch
Head of Children's Services and Children's Collection Development /
Public Relations Specialist
Holmes County District Public Library
3102 Glen Drive
Millersburg, OH  44654
330-674-5972, ext. 210
mskolmutch at holmeslib.org

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