[OPLINLIST] Office space for mobile workers

Stephen Hedges stephen at oplin.ohio.gov
Thu Jun 25 10:29:55 EDT 2015

Good morning, folks -

I got a question from Stu Johnson (former director of Connect Ohio), see the bottom of this message -- and my response in the middle.

Stu found an ALA survey that says half of public libraries "provide office space to a mobile workforce." I'm thinking that doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

The Digital Works program he mentions is a great program, there's more info about it at http://www.digitalworksjobs.com. I've talked with Connect Ohio folks before about using libraries as Digital Works locations, but we've always rejected the idea for the reasons Stu has listed.

Was I wrong? Are there libraries that would have a space that could be used for a Digital Works location?


From: Stephen Hedges
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 10:11 AM
To: Johnson, Stuart
Subject: Re: question

Hi, Stu -

I'm going to guess that a lot of the libraries that filled out that survey thought, "Hey, we have people coming in with a laptop (or using a library computer) and sitting at a table using our wi-fi for their one-man business: that's 'providing office space to a mobile workforce'."

But what I'll do is put out a question on the public library listserv and see if any Ohio libraries are actually offering a real space, with the kind of separation you'd want for Digital Works. I'll let you know what I hear.

 Stephen Hedges, Director
 [Note new email: stephen at oplin.ohio.gov]
Ohio Public Library Information Network
2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus 43204

From: Johnson, Stuart <sjohnson at connectednation.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:46 AM
To: hedgesst at oplin.org
Subject: question

Hey Steve,

I ran across the link below which stated,  “According to latest 2013 statistics from the American Library Association’s Digital Inclusion Survey, 97.5 percent of libraries help visitors complete online government forms, 74.1 percent support e-government and civic engagement programs, 98 percent offer technology training, and 53.3 percent provide office space to a mobile workforce. And data is a common thread running through all of these services.”


As you may be aware, Connected Nation and Connect Ohio launched our Digital Works Career Placement program about 2 years ago and now have 13 fixed locations and 5 on-demand satellite locations.  We are an approved Eligible Training Provider for Jobs and Family Services as well as Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and are also working with ODRC on re-entry programs.

We have never considered reaching out to our 170 Every Citizen Online library partners because:
-        The training is fairly disruptive with group interaction
-        We also require that the participant work at least the first 30 hours of employment under supervision at the center
-        If the participant is unable to continue transition to work from home, we offer shared services arrangements
-        The majority of libraries we worked with seemed to already be stretched on programming demands and available space

However, after seeing this article indicating that 53.3% of libraries are offering space for mobile workers, I thought I would reach out to you and see if you are seeing this trend in Ohio or if their might be any systems interested in proven workforce development opportunities.

Let me know what you think.

Stu Johnson
Vice President, Digital Works
Connected Nation
614-220-0190 (office)
614-364-2348 (cell)
sjohnson at connectednation.org

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